In his June 5 WorldNetDaily column, Bradlee Dean promises to “lay out the facts (yes, I said facts), not opinions, not half lies or distortions” about his defamation lawsuit against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. But since Dean is a lying preacher, you know that’s not going to happen.
Indeed, just a few words after saying he would tell “facts … not opinions, not half lies or distortions,” he tells a total lie by calling MSNBC a “communist network.” The fact that MSNBC accepts advertising and is owned by a large for-profit corporation easily debunks Dean’s false claim.
Dean goes on to rehash his complaints about Maddow accurately if incompletely quoting his anti-gay remarks and complains that Maddow left context out. But that supposed context contains another Dean lie, that Obama “said we are no longer a Christian nation, we’re a Muslim nation.” As documents, Obama’s statement in full reads: “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”
In other words, Dean took Obama’s words out of context — he’s doing to Obama what he’s accusing Maddow of doing to him. Does he think Obama should sue him for defamation?
Dean goes on to rant:
However, seven months after filing a lawsuit, our attorney wanted to withdraw the case from the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and file it in federal court.
The move to another court was a “tactical, strategic decision.” Our attorney then informed Judge Zeldon that he wanted to voluntarily dismiss the case from her court since it had been filed in federal court. Zeldon ruled that she would dismiss the case without prejudice if I would pay Maddow’s attorneys for the work they did in her court, which she assessed to be worth $24,625.23.
Pay the ones defending MSNBC and Rachel Maddow? The ones who put a hit piece out on my family, my ministry and me? I was not about to hand over $24,625.23 to the attorneys defending those who put a hit out on me, prompting persecution, death threats and an array of attacks from every angle against my ministry.
But Dean is not telling all the facts. First, he fails to identify his attorney, who is failed lawyer Larry Klayman. Second he doesn’t explain the real reason Klayman tried to move venues — as we noted, it was to deny Maddow an anti-SLAPP defense, which she could have in the D.C. court but not in a federal court.
Dean’s framing this as a “tactical, strategic decision” obscures the fact that Klayman is such an incompetent lawyer he didn’t research venues before filing Dean’s lawsuit. Thus, the judge ordering Dean and Klayman to pay Maddow’s lawyers for seven months work of work that would be moot in a different venue is entirely justified.
If Dean really was interested in telling all the facts instead of an orgy of self-aggrandizement, he would have mentioned Maddow’s defense — that she accurately represented what Dean said and that her words are protected by the First Amendment.
Dean rants that “my comments were clearly taken out of context and twisted” — even though that is something Dean does all the time to others. If Dean was actually concerned about the truth, he would correct and repent for all the lies he has told about Obama and others through the years.