For someone whose entire career of partisanship is all about demonizing the “liberal media,” Media Rsearch Center chief Brent Bozell appears to be afraid of direct confrontation with them. He typically rants inside the right-wing bubble, making sure his anti-media narratives are reinforced among the faithful — it keeps the rubes indoctrinated and the money rolling in, but he’s just preaching to the choir. Perhaps he knows that he would lose an argument with someone who actually knows how the media works (or has read ConWebWatch). Sometimes he just stays in his offices and makes video rants to be posted on social media. He did this in a Jan. 11 post lovingly described by an anonymous MRC staffer describing how Bozell “spoke in the strongest terms Thursday about the need for the media to denounce and fire journalists joking about assassinating Donald Trump like John F. Kennedy was shot dead in 1963.” The anonymous writer added: “Bozell reminded people of James Hodgkinson, the Bernie Sanders volunteer who shot at a softball practice of House Republicans in 2018, nearly killing Congressman Steve Scalise, as well as Nicholas Roske, arrested in 2022 (armed with a pistol) near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.” No mention, of course, of Robert Bowers, who murdered 11 at a Pittsburgh synagogue; he was targeting a immigrant aid office there after having been radlicalized into anti-immigrant hate by Fox News and other right-wing media.
The rest of the year, Bozell similarly stayed hermetically sealed inside the right-wing bubble, appearing only on right-wing radio and TV shows where he could be assured of softball questions and absolutely no challenges to his narrative. Here’s a breakdown of where he appeared:
Stuart Varney, Fox Business:
- Election Interference! MRC’s Bozell Blasts Liberal Media for ‘Trying to Sow Chaos’ in 2024
- MRC’s Bozell Joins FBN’s Varney in Slamming Media’s Campus Protest and Trump Coverage
- MRC’s Bozell Warns of Soros-Funded ‘Fascistic’ Plot Amid 2024 Election
- MRC President Brent Bozell Mocks Media Talk of Tim Walz the ‘Moderate’ Democrat
- Brent Bozell on Fox Business: The Kamala Honeymoon Will Last Until the Election!
- MRC’s Bozell and FBN’s Varney Discuss Distorted Network 2024 Coverage
- MRC’s Brent Bozell: ABC Debate Moderators Could Be Fair, But They Probably Won’t
- MRC’s Brent Bozell on TV: Kamala Avoids the Press, and the Poll on Trump Death Wishes
- WATCH: MRC’s Bozell Sounds Alarm on Google’s Latest Election Interference
- MRC’s Brent Bozell on Fox: MSNBC Collapsing, Joe and Mika Begging for Mercy
- MRC’s Brent Bozell on Kamala’s Campaign Blowing Billions on TV Ads
Larry O’Connor, right-wing radio host:
- MRC President Bozell Rebukes Biden Admin for Pushing German Censorship to Brainwash Kids
- MRC President Brent Bozell Slams ‘Fascist Tactics’ Exposed by MRC Report
- Brent Bozell Calls Out Big Tech Execs’ Bluff: ‘Yes, Mark Zuckerberg, You Can Be Sued’
- Bozell on DC Radio: Media Spin Can’t Fix ‘Absolutely Disastrous’ Biden Press Event
- MRC President Brent Bozell With WMAL’s Larry O’Connor: Why TikTok Ban Is ‘Black and White’
- MRC President Brent Bozell Challenges Google to Disprove Election Interference Activity
- MRC’s Bozell Condemns Facebook Election Interference, Unveils Its No. 1 ‘Target’ for Censorship
- MRC’s Bozell NUKES Networks on WMAL for Using Trump Trial to Interfere in 2024 Election
- Bozell on Stephanopoulos Interview of Biden: He Should NOT Be in Journalism Now
- Bozell Gives MSNBC’s Scarborough, Reid a Taste of Their Own Medicine
- Brent Bozell on WMAL: ‘Not Surprised’ by Debate Hatchet Job, ABC’s Been the ‘Worst All Along’
- Bozell Tells DC Radio Star: The Media Are Taking Trump’s Win Badly
- MRC’s Brent Bozell Talks Media and the Hunter Biden Pardon on Larry O’Connor’s Show
Mark Levin, radio and Fox News host:
- MRC’s Brent Bozell with Levin on Staggering Facebook Election Interference: ‘It’s Systematic’
- MRC’s Bozell Sounds Off to Mark Levin on ‘Frightening’ Media Coverage of Trump Trial
- MRC’s Brent Bozell, Mark Levin Expose Our Corrupt ‘No Daylight’ Democrat Party [sic] Press
- MRC’s Bozell: The Media’s ‘Attacks on Donald Trump Backfired in 2024’
Other media appearances:
- MRC’s Bozell WARNS of Push for ‘Aryan Youth Movement’ in Fiery Interview with Erick Erickson
- MRC President Bozell Details Startling Reality About Google: It Has ‘Power to Define’ Truth
- MRC’s Brent Bozell Talks About Media Bias with Joe Concha on NYC Radio
- MRC President Bozell to Patrick Bet-David: Google Is Picking Winners and Losers
Videos made in his office:
Bozell also created his own podcast, which similarly remains hidden in the bubble and preaches only to the choir:
- Fox Analyst to Brent Bozell on Damning Report: Soros ‘Hates America,’ ‘Wants to Tear It Down’
- WATCH Brent Bozell and Mary Margaret Olohan Break Down How Big Tech Deceitfully Censors Pro-Lifers
We haven’t listened to most of these appearances, but we would be shocked if anyone asked Bozell anything remotely challenging that didn’t serve to further his preferred narrative. That’s why he stays inside the bubble, after all.