The mission statement for states in part that it tries to “cover stories that are subject to the bias of omission and report on other news subject to bias by commission.”
And how does it do that? By engaging in a lot of bias by commission.
Take, for example, this Feb. 17 “news” article by Susan Jones on a Hillary Clinton speech:
Repeating the same promises and platitudes that African-Americans have heard for years from the Democrats who claim to represent them, Hillary Clinton on Tuesday went a step further: She mentioned her (white) “privilege”; and she said Democrats need to hold candidates accountable, “not just every two or four years…but every single day.”
[…]She made all the old, familiar promises: expanding pre-school; dismantling the “school-to-prison pipeline”; ending “excessive incarceration”; addressing re-segregation in the nation’s schools; making college affordable; ending “gun violence”; ending the “epidemic of African Americans being killed by police or dying in custody”; banning the box on federal job applications; ending income disparities; and creating jobs in America’s inner cities.
Again: This is a “news” article from a “news” organization that purports to loathe “bias by commission.”
If a reporter for the so-called “liberal media” used a “news” article to dismiss a Republican presidential candidate’s speech as nothing but “promises and platitudes,” CNS’ parent, the Media Research Center, would be screaming bloody murder. But the MRC apparently has no problem with such a heavy political slant as long at its own right-wing agenda is being furthered in the process.
If someone from CNS can explain why such egregious bias is not just permitted but encouraged on its pages when it’s run by an organization that attacks media bias, feel free to contact me.