reporter Susan Jones loves to inject opinion into her “news” articles. This time, her “news” is mostly a right-wing anti-Obama rant.
Jones starts off a March 16 CNS article by ostensibly reporting on President Obama’s criticism of “vulgar and divisive rhetoric” on the campaign trail, but the last portion of her article is a full-on anti-Obama rant:
The core values of the country we love have changed dramatically under President Obama’s watch.
While campaigning for president in April 2008, President Obama alienated many small-town Americans, when he explained their frustrations over job losses and broken political promises this way: “And it’s not surprising then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Later that year, in October, Obama told a plumber at a campaign event that he planned to raise taxes on successful Americans “to spread the wealth around.”Throughout his presidency, he has pitted “millionaires and billionaires” against the middle and lower classes, insisting in 2011, “This is not class warfare. It’s math…The money is going to have to come from someplace.”
With support only from Democrats, President Obama signed a government health care mandate in 2010, breaking his repeated promises to let people keep the plans they liked. He also offended the deeply held religious beliefs of Americans who opposed Obamacare’s birth control/abortifacient mandate.
At the National Prayer Breakfast in 2015, Obama reminded the faithful that just as some people “profess to stand up for Islam but in fact are betraying it,” so people have “committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” He suggested that the Christians in the audience should exercise “some basic humility…Not being so full of yourself and confident that you are right, and that God speaks only to us and doesn’t speak to others.”
With a weak and ineffectual Republican Congress standing by, Obama applied his uncompromising attitude to major issues of the day, including homosexual marriage and illegal immigration, leaving Americans angry, divided and feeling powerless to reverse the tide rolling over the border and steamrolling traditional values.
Under the Obama administration, racial tensions were exacerbated to the point where one Democrat running for president was forced to apologize for saying that “all lives matter.”
In 2015, the Gallup polling organization declared Obama one of the most polarizing presidents ever.
As we’ve previously pointed out when Jones has made the accusation, Obama is not “uncompromising”; quite the opposite, in fact (something Jones apparently cares little about). The PolitiFact website has a full seven pages of examples of Obama compromising to achieve his policy goals. And Jones omits the fact that Republicans have refused to compromise with Obama.
And Jones conveniently fails to hold her side of the political aisle responsible for the country’s political polarization, nor does she mention that Republicans have refused to compromise with Obama from the beginning of his administration.
Again: This rant is presented as “news.” CNS’ parent, the Media Research Center, would be screaming to high heaven if Jones was an employee of the so-called “liberal media.”
But remember, there’s no such thing is conservative media bias in the MRC’s eyes, so Jones’ job is quite safe — even if no actual journalism organization would employ her.