We’ve noted how the Media Research Center has slowly been turning into WND. Now it’s creeping into WND-esque race-baiting.
In a March 25 CNSNews.com article, Susan Jones sounds the alarm about a “landmark” settlement in suburban Baltimore that means “low-income housing” (read: black people) will be coming to “affluent” suburbs (read: white people). She grumbles: “The goal is to move low- and very-low-income people out of the city and into the suburbs.” As she’s wont to do, Jones adds a little editorial snarking to her “news” article:
The county must, within 180 days, introduce (and keep trying to pass) legislation that prohibits housing discrimination based on a person’s lawful source of income. This means a landlord can’t refuse someone housing if he or she plans to pay the rent with Social Security or other public assistance instead of a paycheck (job!).
As WND did when it tackled the issue of housing inequality in the Baltimore suburbs a few months earlier, Jones ignores the history of racial discrimination in Baltimore and its suburbs that keep blacks in the inner city and out of the suburbs.
While Jones mocks the idea that the Baltimore suburbs must pass a law prohibiting discrimination against the type of income used to pay rent, she doesn’t explain why such discrimination is a good thing. And her sneering that people who have housing vouchers don’t have “jobs!” — and, therefore, are lazy bums who aren’t even white — ignores the fact that people who are on disability and cannot work are also eligible to receive housing vouchers.
Jones is simply engaging in lazy reporting that caters to her right-wing (and, we can presume, mostly white) CNS audience.