, the Media Research Center’s “news” operation, likes to pretend it’s not biased, what with its mission statement that it “endeavors to fairly present all legitimate sides of a story.” That’s never been true, of course.
Now, CNS has helpfully served up exactly how its right-wing bias works in practice through its treatment of two sides of the same story.
In a May 9 article, CNS editor in chief Terry Jeffrey begins respectfully: “In a legal complaint filed against the U.S. Justice Department today, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory asked a U.S. District Court to help his state protect the “bodily privacy rights” of people seeking to use public bathrooms consistent with their biological sex.”
Throughout the article, Jeffrey painstakingly quotes and paraphrases McCrory’s defense of his state’s bathroom law, assertg that the complaint “explained the North Carolina law’s basic operations,” as if there are no legal experts in the Justice Department. Jeffrey declared that “The complaint simply seeks that the court declare that the North Carolina governor and secretary of public safety are not violating federal civil rights law or the federal Violence Against Women Act by enforcing a law that requires biological males to use men’s rooms and biological women to use women’s rooms.”
By contrast, Susan Jones’ May 10 article is filled with bias and opinion — you’d never know it’s supposed to be a “news” article from reading it — that sneered at Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s defense of the Obama administration’s transgender initiatives. Jones’ opening paragraph is pure opinion:
The U.S. Justice Department is putting the feelings of transgenders — men who think they are women and women who think they are men — above the privacy rights of the vast majority of people who don’t contest the biological facts of who they actually are.
Jones then ghoes on to lecture Lynch on how she’s wrong about transgenders:
But Lynch was referring to people who, in fact, are pretending to be something that — biologically — they are not. A man “identifying” as a woman is not a biological woman. And likewise, a woman “identifying” as a man is not a biological man. Until now, that is, when the federal government has determined that biological facts matter less than wishes and feelings.
Jones lectured some more later in her article:
Lynch accused North Carolina and its leaders of creating “state-sponsored discrimination against transgender individuals, who simply seek to engage in the most private of functions in a place of safety and security, a right taken for granted by most of us.”
(Much of the outcry over this issue comes from people who are not confused about their gender “as noted at birth,” and who also “simply seek to engage in the most private of functions in a place of safety and security.” Many women, in particular, object to sharing restrooms with men who supposedly “identify” as women.)
Remember, this is supposed to be a “news” article. But that’s how CNS rolls — complete with the lie about how it “fairly presents” the news.