Bob Unruh writes in a Jan. 3 WorldNetDaily article:
A posting at Real Climate Science has delivered a body blow to the global-warming agenda – now called “climate change” since the globe doesn’t appear to be warming anymore.
It shows the Arctic sea ice today is about the same thickness as it was 75 years ago.
That’s despite the massive spread of SUVs, the use of coal-fired power plants to generate heat for homes and gasoline-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
The posting Tuesday from Steven Goddard, blogs under the pseudonym Tony Heller, featured the image of a 1940 Townsville Daily Bulletin report that “ice measurements were on an average only 6 ½ feet,” according to a just-returned expedition of Soviet explorers.
The blogger noted that in 1940, Arctic sea ice was two meters thick.
Then, alongside a posting of a New York Times image stating the ice was “only about seven feet thick” in 1958, he wrote it was “about two meters thick” then.
And he posted an image from the Danish Meteorological Institute, dated Monday, that shows much of the Arctic sea ice cover was some two meters thick or more.
“All of the official fake news agencies and fake government agencies have been claiming that Arctic sea ice is getting thinner,” he said, citing online headlines from NOAA that “Arctic sea ice getting thinner” and the same from Scientific American.
This being Bob Unruh, no effort is made to talk to anyone else, such an actual climate scientist, on the issue — he’s simply taking Goddard/Heller at his word. (Goddard/Heller’s degrees are in geology and electrical engineering.)
He shouldn’t. DeSmog Blog reports this detail about Goddard/Heller’s background:
Steven Goddard is known for a 2008 article in The Register where he posited that Arctic Sea ice is not receding and claimed that data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) showing the opposite was incorrect. Goddard later issued a retraction on his statement.
Meanwhile, PolitiFact debunked another assertion Goddard/Heller mad , that the hottest year on record was 1934, not 1998, and that NASA scientists were fudging data to claim otherwise.
Unruh is such a terrible reporter — er, stenographer that he gets a basic piece of information wrong. He claimed that Steven Goddard “blogs under the pseudonym Tony Heller,” but the opposite is the true: Heller is the real name, Goddard is the pseudonym.
These two peddlers of biased misinformation deserve each other, it seems.
Unruh fills out the rest of his article with the usual denier propaganda, including that “Scientist Art Robinson has spearheaded The Petition Project, which has gathered the signatures of at least 31,487 scientists who agree that there is ‘no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.'”
But as we’ve documented — Robinson is a close buddy of WND managing editor David Kupelian — very few of the signatories to Robinson’s petition scientific background in climatology, there’s no apparent verification mechanism to ensure that the signatories do in fact have the scientific qualifications they do claim, and the existence of millions of science graduates that makes the 31,000-plus signatories (a number that has stayed static for years) a drop in a fringe bucket.