It seems that Newsmax wants to regain some of its right-wing Clinton-hating cred.
Newsmax publisher Christopher Ruddy has become buddies with Bill Clinton and his foundation, which has caused some backlash in certain right-wing circles where Clinton-hating is an unshakable tenet and who remember that Ruddy founded Newsmax in no small part as an outlet for anti-Clinton forces during his presidency.
Newsmax has apparently decided it wants some of that Clinton-hating mojo back. Its latest loss-leader book offer (for which you surrender your credit card number to receive a few “free” months of Newsmax’s magazine, which you have to cancel before the end of the free period to avoid being charged for a full year’s subscription) is Ed Klein’s new Hillary-bashing book “Unlikeable.” The promotion for it includes this fanciful text:
Hillary’s house of cards is crashing around her.
First she screamed at Obama in the Oval Office, “Call off your f—ing dogs!”
Now Ed Klein is blowing the whistle on other stunning details of her shady political dealings and bitter feud with Barack Obama in a new book that just hit the streets.
Unlikeable: The Problem With Hillary hammers the final nails into the coffin of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s flagging presidential aspirations.
Highly regarded journalist and political analyst Ed Klein has thoroughly documented HRC’s decades-long trail of lies, deception, and conniving.
She even dropped an f-bomb on the president of the United States!
Hillary simply won’t be able to talk her way out of this one.
Especially considering the airtight sourcing and impeccable fact-checking Ed Klein has employed in what some are calling the must-read political book of the year.
You can claim your copy for FREE from the limited quantity Newsmax magazine has secured exclusively for our preferred readers.
In fact, the truth about on Klein is very much the opposite of what Newsmax claims. Far from being a “highly regarded journalist” who uses “airtight sourcing and impeccable fact-checking,” Klein is considered a joke by actual journalists who point out his heavy use of anonymous and untraceable sources, factual errors and distortions, and lazy “cut and paste” writing.
There’s no reason to believe this isn’t also the case with Klein’s new book, but don’t expect Newsmax to tell you that.
Newsmax is also running an odd little poll of the opt-in kind (and, thus, scientifically meaningless) which it claims it will offer to “major outlets” at some undetermined point in the future. Here are the first two questions:
1) In your opinion, did Hillary Clinton violate the law by storing State Department and classified emails on her personal server?
2) Did Hillary violate the law by deleting all emails from her personal server?
But the determination of what is or is not legal isn’t a poll or popularity contest, it’s based on what’s written in the law — which means the poll is even more meaningless than usual.
Newsmax also doesn’t mention that fact-checkers have determined that while Clinton’s use of a private server is questionable, it’s a legal area that’s murky at best and it is unlikely she will ever be found to have violated the letter of any law regarding its use.