When Scott Lively wasn’t spewing insults at Kamala Harris, he was spending 2024 insisting that Nazis were gay (despite the documented fact that Nazis persecuted gay people). Lively used his Oct. 7 WorldNetDaily column to blame homosexuals for Kristallnacht:
Like almost every other Nazi outrage during the Third Reich, including the “Night of the Long Knives,” this “Night of the Broken Glass” had an intimate connection to the butch homosexuals of the SA and SS. Indeed, while there is evidence that some form of attack against the German Jews had already been planned, the sheer ferocity of Kristallnacht – openly characterized by the Nazi leaders as an act of “revenge” – suggests a deeply personal and genuinely spontaneous reaction among the brown- and black-shirted rioters. I contend their motivation was blind rage that one of their fellow pederasts had been slaughtered by a Jewish boy street hustler.
The following is a slightly modified excerpt from “The Pink Swastika,” 4th Edition (the expanded 6th Edition being my current book-in-progress).
Ernst vom Rath was a high-level SA official who had received a diplomatic posting to the German embassy in Paris. While serving there he had taken up with a 17-year-old self-identified male prostitute by the name of Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew. In partial payment for his services, Grynszpan had extracted a promise from vom Rath that his parents would be spared the consequences of a recent law that “revoked the citizenship of Polish Jews who had been living abroad for more than five years and who still retained Polish citizenship.” But vom Rath failed to keep his promise, and Grynszpan’s family, along with thousands of others, “were herded into camps in a no-man’s land along the border region of Zbonszyn in freezing weather.”
In retaliation, Grynszpan shot vom Rath on the night of Nov. 7, 1938. Two days later the Nazis staged the “Night of Broken Glass.” Grynszpan fled and was not caught by the Gestapo until 1940. They finally had Grynszpan, but their planned high-profile courtroom prosecution went up in smoke. “At the last moment the trial was canceled on Hitler’s orders: Grynszpan had threatened to reveal a homosexual relationship with Rath.”
The Nazis were furious.
In fact, there’s no evidence that either Grynszpan or vom Rath were homosexual or that they ever had any sort of sexual relationship, or even that they met before the shooting; other, more credible sources argue that Grynszpan planned at one point to claim a relationship with vom Rath as a way to spare himself and depoliticize the murder.
Lively denies all this, of course, and insisted on clinging to his conspiracy theory and then trying to tie Nazis to Democrats:
In full disclosure it must be acknowledged that Read and Fisher ultimately adopted the official line that the allegations of a homosexual affair between vom Rath and Grynszpan were untrue – the creation of Grynszpan’s lawyer. However, I have since learned that the primary evidence used to discredit the allegations was another prison letter, this one “encrypted” and supposedly sent by Grynszpan himself stating he made some of it up. The prior history of the case suggests that the “Grynszpan letter” may have been ghost-written by Goebbels.
How a Jewish teen could have such insider access to Germany’s highest-ranked diplomat as to get the promise of favored treatment for his parents – and then kill him for betrayal – is never explained. And it’s not as if the Nazis were innocent of rewarding pederastic homosexuals with diplomatic postings. Consider for example Dr. Theodor Auer, the German consul in Casablanca, Morocco. His “affair with the son of a local sheik and his ‘behaviour’ with Arab, French and Jewish ‘bumboys’ were detailed by the British Secret Operations Executive (SOE).”
In any case, there is no denying Krystallnacht [sic] was a horrific attack on Germany Jewry, but there is no parallel to anything Trump or the pro-Israel MAGA movement have ever done. Indeed, the closest parallel is Queers for Palestine – and the nationwide Hamas-promoting terror faction of today’s Democratic Party.
Even though Kristallnacht is central to his conspiracy theory, Lively can’t even be bothered to make sure he spelled it correctly.
In his Dec. 23 column, Lively announced that he was giving away the latest edition of his discredited book “The Gay Swastika” for free:
For much of the last six months, I have been working in secret on the most important book of my writing career: “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets … And Why They Matter to America Today.” My reading public has been waiting for a sixth edition of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” but Kevin Abrams and I decided last summer to consider our fourth edition of 2002 our final collaboration, so I took the project solo in a new direction oriented toward the newly red-pilled masses of the MAGA movement – and with the new purpose of fighting the evil and dangerous “Groomer” agenda of today’s American LGBT movement. I kept it secret in the hope of taking the leftist censors by surprise and possibly going viral by word-of-mouth and grassroots networking before they can poison the public against it. That race is on.
So, for the first month, I’m giving the book away for free in easy-to-disseminate PDF format and asking your help in spreading it as far and wide as you can, as quickly as you can – including any email lists and free-speech-respecting social media you post to.
“Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” include 1) that the core of Nazism was always pederasty (man/boy sex), and 2) that Nazi-style pederasts founded and still facilitate the American “gay” movement. These facts are conclusively proven and documented in this 600-plus page exposé of the most banned and canceled truths of the 20th century and the still-hidden Nazi undercurrent of today’s DEI child-enslavement networks. There is almost nothing happening in America today under the LGBT banner that did not happen first in Nazi or pre-Nazi Germany.
I have devoted more than 30 years to the research this book is based upon, and have been persecuted and canceled more than any other American who has dared to publicly oppose LGBTism.
Actually, the reason Lively tends to get “persecuted and canceled” is because his so-called scholarship is biased and shoddy. As we reported at the time WND was hyping the 2013 edition of “The Pink Swastika,” Lively and Abrams did no original research in primary archival documents, selectively quoted from other researchers to ignored examples that contradicted their thesis, and included numerous factual errors that were easily caught by actual historians. Citizens Allied for Civic Action also issued an annotated version of his book documenting the falsehoods and errors. In this new edition, LIvely refused to acknowledge, let alone document and refute, the errors that were caught and how, exactly, they were changed; he did acknowledge a “point-by-point rebuttal of a previous edition of the book by a writer he refused to identify, then huffed that “most of what he identified as errors were petty and inconsequential.” But if Lively gets so many “petty and inconsequential” things wrong, there’s no reason to trust him on the more major claims he makes.
Lively went on to declare:
I intend “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” to be my final effort on this topic.
Frankly, even if the book doesn’t go viral or make a big splash in the MAGA universe, I’m very happy just to have a sense of closure on this three-decade-long project that has been so central to my Christian ministry, and has opened doors for public speaking events, media interviews and consultation with social and political leaders all over the world. My travel list as of this year is 68 countries, invitations to many of which were due to my expertise on the topic of this book.
It’s telling that Lively considers such a factually flawed work — one he has continually reissued to tamp down the errors and falsehoods others have caught — as being “so central to my Christian ministry.” That’s a sign that his “Christian ministry” shouldn’t be trusted.
On that note, it’s also worth noting that one blurb of his book he touted came from Judith Reisman, a similarly discredited researcher who spread falsehoods about an actual researcher, Alfred Kinsey — another reason he shouldn’t be trusted.