When Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell ranted about the alleged lack of coverage of a Fox News report claiming that an FBI indictment of Hillary Clinton was imminent, he said, “We will report developments on this continuing cover-up every hour from here on out.”
Apparently, the fact that Fox News itself has effectively retracted the story is not a sufficiently important development for the MRC devote one of those “every hours” to report on.
We’ve documented how Bozell and the MRC have complained that the story wasn’t receiving the media coverage it wanted the story to get — and was continuing to demand that coverage even as the story fell apart. Fox News anchor Bret Baier, who first reported the story, now admits no indictment of Clinton was forthcoming and walked back his claim that it was all but certain — a “99 percent accuracy” — that Clinton’s private server had been hacked, admitting that “there are still no digital fingerprints of a breach.”
And the MRC is still complaining the story isn’t getting covered.
A Nov. 4 post by Scott Whitlock skipped around any mention of Fox News or the story being retracted, asserting the story from an unidentified outlet contained “the bombshell news that the FBI is conducting an active investigation into the Clinton Foundation.” Then he grumped that other outlets accurately pointed out that the reports were “inaccurate” and “unsubstantiated.”
A post the same day by Curtis Houck touted the Fox News “bombshell FBI report about the Clinton Foundation” while complaining about “the rush to gang up on Fox News and Special Report host Bret Baier over his FBI story.”But he waits until the ninth paragraph of his item to note in passing, by quoting Brian Stelter noting that Baier “walked it back.”
Doesn’t the fact that Baier walked back the story deserve to be a bit higher up than the ninth paragraph? Houck apparently doesn’t think so. Shouldn’t that, in fact, be the subject of its own post, complete with the MRC apologizing to the media outlets and reporters it trashed for failing to promote the story to its desired high level?
Despite Bozell’s declaration that the MRC would publish updates on the story “every hour,” Houck’s post is the last MRC item to properly identify the story as a product of Fox News. That’s more than two days ago.
Once again, we see that pushing its right-wing agenda is more important to the MRC than telling people the truth.