The Media Research Center’s creeping WND-ization continues by picking up WorldNetDaily’s obsession with race.
In a July 13 CNS article, Susan Jones complained that President Obama used his weekly media address to promote his fair-housing initiative. She expressed particular concern that white suburbs might become less white, fretting that communities “must spend the [federal fair-housing] money in ways that move inner-city minorities, for example, into subsidized housing in wealthier, whiter suburbs.”
Apparently, Jones doesn’t think minorities have any place in those “whiter suburbs.”
Since CNS has given up reporting actual news and instead has embraced its role as one more propaganda arm of the MRC, Jones engages in some trolling of Obama. After noting Obama’s statement that children living just a few blocks apart may “lead incredibly different lives,” Jones sneered: “President Obama could have used his own daughters as examples. They attend an elite private school in Washington, in a city where many poor blacks struggle in failing public schools.”
Jones might look to her employer as an example of how her fellow conservatives are handling the issue. A couple years back, the MRC moved its headquarters from Alexandria, Va., a town with a 66.8 percent white population and a 22.4 percent black population, to Reston, Va., a town with a 70.1 percent white population and just a 9.7 percent black population.
The move also put the MRC in one of those “wealthier, whiter suburbs” Jones fears will be overrun by poor brown people; the median income of Alexandria is $85,706, while in Reston it’s $107,962.
Yeah, we can see why Jones would be freaking out.