WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has a conspiracy theory he’d like to share with you. From his Oct. 16 column:
Have you ever asked yourself what the real purpose of Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” is really all about?
Have you considered why Obama has opened America’s doors to tens of thousands of unscreened and unscreenable, so-called Muslim “refugees” from Middle East terror hotspots?
Have you ever wondered what the endgame of this national suicidal policy is all about – along with other actions that seem to be pushing the hot buttons of even the clearest-thinking Americans with an ounce of common sense?
Maybe what appears to be a foiled “domestic terror plot,” in Kansas, so far under the radar of the national media, should give us a clue.According to federal investigators, who apparently infiltrated a “militia group” called the “Crusaders” in the town of Liberal, Kansas, three men were arrested last week for planning to bomb a Garden City, Kansas, apartment complex where 120 people, including many Somali immigrants, lived – then publish a manifesto. The date of the attack was set for Nov. 9, the day after the presidential election.
Think about it. This is the kind of event that would put the seemingly bizarre Obama-Hillary Clinton agenda for the Islamization of America on steroids.
I hate to say it, but they seem to be dreaming about just such a bizarre attack – doing everything in their power to make it a reality.Do you remember how Bill Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the bomb attack on the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building in 1995?
I hate to say it, but an attack like this one would represent a sweet aroma to the noses of Obama and Hillary. It would provide an opportunity for massive surveillance, propaganda, sweeping federal control and worse.
Those who rightly oppose their certifiably insane policies on national security and open-door immigration practices would be blamed. They would finally have their evidence of widespread xenophobia, Islamophobia and right-wing “hate crimes.”
Sooner or later, it’s bound to happen.
I suspect it didn’t happen this time only because local police stumbled onto evidence for the impending attack when one of the plotters was turned in by his girlfriend on a battery charge.
Until then, FBI investigators were providing them with weapons and offering money for the attack. The plotters were under surveillance since February, the FBI said.Operations? It sounds like these guys had other ideas in mind besides the November bombing. They also talked about bombing a mosque. What if they acted prematurely – without consultation with the FBI or confidential source? Was that a concern? Or was it the plan?
I hate to speculate like this. I hate to think like this. But it’s getting hard not to. Am I crazy paranoid – or are you thinking the same way?
Nope, you’re crazy paranoid, Joe. You’ve been listening to the likes of Alex Jones and Michael Savage rant about false-flag conspiracies that you’ve now apparently decided to get in on that action and concoct one of your own.
You can’t admit that some — let alone the vast majority — of Muslims in America are peaceful and not deserving of the condemnation and lazy Islamophobia your website heaps upon them.
And you most definitely can’t admit the possibility that WND’s anti-Muslim rhetoric may very well have played a role in inspiring these men to plot to blow up Muslims in the middle of Kansas. (You’ve done this before.)
So, you hide behind tinfoil hats and false flags and pretend that you’re being the reasonable one.
And you wonder why nobody believes you or WND.