The Media Research Center is bringing back the Clinton Equivocation. The 2016 spin: The MRC will help Donald Trump escape accountable for anything he has done in his life, no matter how terrible, because the Clintons will somehow have done something worse.
The MRC’s Clay Waters did it in May. Now NewsBusters blogger Jack Coleman takes it to the next level in a July 10 screed. He starts off by unleashing venom at “McLaughlin Group” panelist Eleanor Clift, declaring that she’s actually Baghdad Bob after he “apparently escaped to the United States [and] underwent sex-change surgery — sorry, gender enhancement therapy.”
What set Coleman off on his vicious attack was Clift saying that questions about Hillary Clinton’s private server are “like jaywalking compared to everything Donald Trump has put out there.” Coleman rants:
Except that not a single thing Trump has “put out there” has occurred while Trump held one of the most significant positions in government, nor has any of it involved the most sensitive of national secrets. In the alt-reality inhabited by the left, Trump’s hate speech is deemed far worse than Clinton’s casual indifference to our security.
Is it remotely possible to believe that if Clinton and Trump were reversed in this scenario — that it was Secretary of State Trump using a private email account, one with less security than my Gmail, even while abroad amid “hostile actors” — that Clift would shrug it off?
While it was always unlikely that Clinton would serve time for her misdeeds, it takes an apologist of Clift’s magnitude to blindly reject the indisputable justice that Clinton should never again receive a security clearance. This would render Clinton unfit as commander in chief, except for liberals like Clift who’d vote for her anyway.
So Trump’s hate speech — which Coleman apparently has no problem with — is perfectly fine even if it ruins relations with American allies and divides Americans, so long as he didn’t put on a private server?
Way to lower the expectations bar for your preferred presidential candidate, Jack.
Tim Graham plays the same equivocation game in a July 15 post complaining that reporters are pointing out that “Donald Trump is far worse for restricting access to reporters he doesn’t like” than Hillary Clinton and how they ignore “how much more accessible Trump has been to reporters.” Graham whines:
Hillary’s failure to submit herself to press scrutiny likewise costs her next to nothing in the tone of her press clips. When she submits herself to interviews, they’ve been sappy and toothless — see the anodyne TV questioning after the strange Comey non-indictment. The press that claims to value “independence” and “investigation” seem to think those don’t apply when they cover the Clintons, and they actually hound Republicans (see Chuck Todd) when they dare to investigate Clinton scandals that the press doesn’t want investigated.
The Trump aide’s sorry manhandling of Michelle Fields is somewhat matched by the Clinton campaign’s roping journalists like cattle. But again, they don’t seem to find that embarrassing (or even worth remembering) when they compare the two candidates. Trump has been an arrogant, hypersensitive, fact-mangling candidate….and guess what? The record shows Hillary Clinton is, too.
Yes, Graham is really trying to equate denying press access to physically assaulting — er, “manhandling” — a member of the press. And then he claims (without proof) that Hillary is equally “an arrogant, hypersensitive, fact-mangling candidate” as Trump.
But then, Graham is upset that Trump is even being held to basic factual standards, so he would say that.