Nicholas Fondacaro is the Media Research Center’s designated hate-watcher of “The View” — so obsessed and pathological is he with the show, in fact, that he feels entitled to defame co-host Sunny Hostin as “staunchly racist and anti-Semitic.” The so-called evidence he has provided to justify the smear is so flimsy as to put Fondacaro in danger of being sued by Hostin.
Interestingly, Fondacaro surprisingly restrained himself from spewing the defamatory insult for much of last year. A search of the NewsBusters archive showed that the pullback actually began in 2023. The defamatory insult appeared regularly until mid-June 2023, then disappeared until September, when he hurled it through much of that month. After using it again on Oct. 9, Fondacaro took another break into 2024. It appeared on Jan. 29, Feb. 8 and April 5 — then came a months-long break, returning for a string of five posts in November.
What accounts for the unusual gaps? Did the MRC’s lawyers recognize that Fondacaro was putting the organization in legal peril with his malicious insults? Did Hostin’s lawyers have a chat with the MRC’s lawyers to further emphasize that point? Whatever the reason, Fondacaro doesn’t have the guts to apologize. Whatever happened, the lecture didn’t stick, because he doubled down on falsely smearing her as a racist. In the first of several year-end posts viciously smearing “The View” for not being good little Trump-bots as he demands, Fondacaro ranted:
The View’s Sunny Hostin is arguably one of the most racist personalities in the liberal media these days. She white people, particularly white women, are among her favorite hate objects. White women who marry black Republicans also get the brunt of her hatred. She does all this while also claiming it’s America writ-large who’s the truly racist ones.
From decrying Senator Tim Scott’s engagement to a white woman to lashing out at female athletes for being “white” and “pretty” to denying the existence of black Republicans, listed here are some of Hostin’s most racist moments of 2024.
You will not be surprised to learn that none of Fondacaro’s purported examples involve actual racism — just Hostin talking about racial issues, which is not racist in and of itself.
Meanwhile, we have noticed an uptick in Fondacaro again spewing the “staunchly racist” smear. Seems like the lawyers need to have another chat with him…