The Media Research Center couldn’t disguise its glee at Anthony Weiner’s latest sexting scandal and the decision of his wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, to separate from him.
First, the MRC’s NewsBusters Twitter account retweeted all the hate it had spewed in the past over every instance it could find of anyone saying nice things about Abedin. For instance, it retweeted a Tim Graham screed from 2013 about a People magazine article on “Why Huma Stayed” after the last sexting scandal, sneeringly adding, “ROFLMAO.”
NewsBusters also ran a mocking post from Sarah Stites about how Weiner and Abedin’s wedding was “doomed from the outset” because it “was officiated by champion philanderer Bill Clinton.” Employing the sneering NewsBusters tone, she adds, “For your viewing pleasure (disgust?), here’s the photo you won’t find anywhere else.”
Which is all kind of strange, because the conservatives at the MRC normally champion marriage and look askance at separation and divorce, and one would think Abedin deserves praise, not mocking, from the MRC for trying to save her marriage.
But Abedin and Weiner have committed the offense of being liberals, which makes their private life fair game for mocking by the MRC. It certainly didn’t do so when the “pervert sleaze” (as Donald Trump, approvingly quoted by Stites, called Weiner) in question wasn’t a liberal.
We documented how the MRC, particularly its “news” division, largely avoided reporting on the creepy sexual escapades of Josh Duggar — which included molesting his own sisters — waiting until the right-wing darlings’ TV show, “19 Kids and Counting,” was canceled over the controversy for devoting any original reporting to it, and even then treating it as perfunctory as possible and not straying from the Duggar family’s PR plan.
Even Tim Graham took a different attitude toward the Duggars than Weiner and Abedin, lashing out at a reporter who noted that the Duggars’ strict right-wing religiosity and “cult of purity” may have played a role in fostering Josh’s unhealthy behavior, ranting about “feminists and libertines” who purportedly “have an unhealthy attitude toward sexual commitment, and are against educating children about preserving yourself for a committed relationship. Libertines insist virginity is impossible, unless you’re an indoctrinated robot…like they think of the Duggars.”
This is the same guy who mocked Abedin for wanting to project the image of being a “normal family.”
We can only ROFLMAO at Graham’s and the MRC’s sick hypocrisy.