It seems a little early in the general-election cycle for this, but WorldNetDaily is heavily going to scare-and-Shame mode to generate votes from Donald Trump.
On Aug. 8, WND touted a video made by WND author Dan Bongino attacking any Republican thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton out of their general disgust for Trump:
“Understand this … by supporting Hillary you are actively contributing to the destruction of the greatest country on Earth,” he thundered. “This is not a theoretical exercise. You are destroying your kids’ economy. You are destroying your kids’ health care system. You are destroying your kids’ education system. You are destroying any semblance of reality in our court system. You’re destroying any sense of getting the government out of your life through this massive overgrowth of government bureaucracy. And you’re entrenching seven years of Barack Obama.
“You. In real time, you’re doing that.”
Wayne Allyn Root followed with an Aug. 16 column ranting at never-Trumpers: “Go ahead, elect Hillary and ruin America. It’s what any selfish fool would do,” adding that “True conservatives put God and country above their personal wishes. Hillary’s election ends both. Forever.” Root concluded:
It’s time to pick a side. For my children’s sake, for your own children’s sake, for America’s sake, I beg of you … reconsider.
The next president will pick not only Justice Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court, but three to four other justices ready to retire. The next president will decide whether America is capitalist or socialist for the next half century.
If you love America and want her to survive, there is only one option:
Donald J. Trump.
Justice Scalia is begging you from his grave.
Root didn’t mention that he had just written a book touting Trump’s candidacy.
WND managing editor David Kupelian — who has sold his soul to back Trump — tries to rouse the evangelical vote in favor of an amoral, thrice-married Republican in his Aug. 21 column, and he lowers the bar considerably: “Whatever the Republican candidates’ shortcomings, taking the trouble to vote for a president who isn’t a known sex predator, Marxist or career criminal seems pretty sensible for a ‘born-again Christian,’ doesn’t it?”
Kupelian concluded with a huge hissy-fit, declaring that anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is complicit in “our nation’s suicide”:
The responsibility for our nation’s suicide will not fall alone on all today’s university-indoctrinated youthful socialists, or the newly enfranchised immigrants and felons who overwhelmingly vote Democrat, or the various “minority groups” to which Hillary Clinton shamelessly panders in pursuit of their support.
No, the blame will fall squarely on all the righteous “Never-Trumpers,” on the “my-guy-didn’t-win-in-the primary-so-I’m-staying-home” Republican voters, on the “Yes-I-signed-the-pledge-but-I’m-breaking-it-cause-Trump-was-mean-to-my-wife/father/brother” GOP primary candidates, on the “I-serve-another-kingdom-not-of-this-world” and “I-care-only-about-the-gospel” Christians, on the “I-don’t-like-Trump-or-Hillary-so-I’m-voting-for-the-weird-pro-marijuana-Libertarian-guy” folks.
In other words, the blame will fall on good people whose pride, ego, resentment, emotions and self-righteousness tricked them into betraying their country, even their own children – all while believing they were standing strong on principle.
Says a guy who renounced his own principles to back Trump.
Remember, it’s still more than two months before the election. How insane will WND’s pro-Trump rhetoric get as it gets closer to November?