In early June, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah declared that WND faced an “existential threat” and begged for money from his readers. Well, apparently, the threat has passed for now.
At the end of June, Farah sent out another letter to WND’s mailing list proclaiming the crisis over and explaining how hard it was to ask for help:
Earlier this month, I wrote a letter that was the toughest thing for me to do.
I knew our enemies would see it, too.
I hated to give them comfort. And, boy, did it ever.
But thanks to the amazing response from WND’s most loyal readers, I can assure them that the imminent threat to our very existence and viability as America’s most daring and courageous voice for liberty is behind us.
This letter is a lot easier to write, because you answered the bell. We’re not completely out of the woods, but you have helped buy us some time, for which I am endlessly grateful.
Actually, we’re pretty much the only ones who wrote about WND’s financial issues (which we also did at the Huffington Post). Which means he has declared us his enemy. We’re flattered.
Note that Farah does not mention how much money was actually raised from his begging effort, which would make it much easier for donors to judge whether WND’s financial problems are, in fact, over. Such secrecy is not a good sign when you’re begging for money from the public, but it’s never a good thing if WND is apparently such a financial pariah that Farah can’t find legitimate private investors or other conventional financing to keep it alive and must resort to public begging.
Farah then once again blames WND’s woes on Obama:
All that, of course, is on top of the Obama economy, the ravages of which every reader is aware: The entire retail world is in turmoil. Digital advertising is way down. The book publishing world is topsy-turvy. All of these factors profoundly affect WND because they represent many of the ways we support what we do – which is to boldly bring you the unvarnished, not-always-pretty, but accurate and undistorted truth about what’s really going on in this chaotic world of ours.
First, retail turmoil, digital advertising issues and a competitive book-publishing industry are not Obama’s fault — that’s capitalism at work. (WND loves to blame Obama for capitalism working as intended.) As we’ve previously noted, online retail has been growing immensely overall, which means the more likely issue is that people don’t want to buy what WND has to sell.
Second, Farah’s claim that WND reports the “accurate and undistorted truth about what’s really going on in this chaotic world of ours” is an undisputed lie. Just a few days ago, Farah told lies in his column. WND’s lies are contributing to the chaos, not making things clearer. Again, Farah is weirdly proud of the fact that his website publishes misinformation, and even a press-release mill decided that WND was not “credible” enough to promote.
Farah followed that up with even more falsehoods about how it cares about the truth:
Despite the assault on our nation and world over the last eight years, I, like Donald Trump, still believe America potentially has a great future ahead – with the right kind of leadership and, even more importantly, with a return to God and the principles He set out for liberty and prosperity and blessing.
But for America to get there, it must hear the truth. And that’s where WND comes in. Very simply, you cannot have a free country without a free press. It’s not possible. Yet as you know, most of America’s “big media” serve as little more than a government propaganda ministry. Even much of the “alternative media” are reluctant to cover some of the really consequential stories that – while absolutely vital to the nation – also come with a price tag for the news organization reporting them, in terms of threats, ridicule, boycotts, lawsuits and financial loss.
As I told you in my previous letter, we want to be around when Obama leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017, so we can be part of the national recovery process. And with the help you’ve already provided, we have more confidence we will be where we need to be.
Well, if WND didn’t do things that cry out to be ridiculed — for instance, employing falsehood-spreader Jerome Corsi, promote a bogus super PAC and refusing to admit its anti-Obama birther crusade was completely discredited — Farah wouldn’t have to fear ridicule.
Needless to say, Farah ends his letter with a plea for more money; he claims that a financiall stronger WND is “a blessing for America’s future.” Uh, sure.
Farah is blaming pretty much everyone but himself for the imminent failure of WND’s business model with no evidence he’s made any adjustments to it to compensate for WND’s financial condition (except for the apparent elimination of WND’s Jerusalem bureau, which died when Aaron Klein jumped ship to Breitbart).
Given that, any money readers send to WND is likely to disappear down a black hole without any accountability, not unlike that super PAC Farah promoted.