WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively is unsurprisingly thrilled that Donald Trump was elected president. He worked this into his obsessive hatred of Ukraine (and corresponding fealty to Russia) in his Nov. 21 column:
WND recently published my article “The top elites want Trump to run their pending war” in which I further elaborated on my theory that Donald Trump forced them to dismantle their barriers to his second term and let him back in the White House. What they’ve surrendered to is letting Trump take on the challenge of preserving the American Empire in his own way – which is dramatically different from their own Ukraine-centered, Russian scapegoating, global bullying strategy. Trump and the top tier elites share the goal of preserving U.S. military and economic global dominance but are polar opposites on Cultural Marxism and the battle between nationalism and “one world” globalism.
Trump’s win means he gets the chance to roll back socialism and restore constitutionalism against their will on the domestic front while pursuing their common priority internationally. This was the same general trade-off Reagan had, but, importantly, Trump’s agenda adds the component of anti-“one world” globalism. In this context, Trump’s “nationalism” might better be termed “international federalism” because it clearly presumes an international order in which nations remain cooperating independent sovereigns and not mere components of single global Marxist conglomerate like the neo-Soviet European Union strives to be.
They surrendered to Trump not just because he beat them politically, but because Vladimir Putin beat them militarily in Ukraine. When their military failure became so obvious in 2023 that they could no longer contain the situation with war propaganda, they fell back to Plan B: the much riskier Israel/Hamas gambit, which is mostly limited to the Iran problem and related Middle East objectives. I have contended since it happened that the all-too-real Oct. 7, 2023, massacre was allowed to happen for that purpose. I believe they let slip the rabid dogs of Hamas deliberately to shift the “Eye of Sauron” media focus away from Ukraine (which I disapprove), and create the justification for de-nuking Iran (which goal I endorse, if not the duplicitous staging.)
In his three-point plan to “prevent World War III,” Lively advocated that Trump should be “developing a partnership with Putin and Russia based upon our mutual Christian history and cultural foundations to 1) fully drain the swamp of Marxism globally, starting with the European Union; and 2) constrain Islamist expansion everywhere, starting with Islamist-targeted Christian nations like Nigeria.”
In his Dec. 27 column, Lively laughably insisted that Trump is a “benign oligarch”:
The deep state-controlled corporate media has recently begin referring to Trump as an “oligarch,” almost certainly because the average American is conditioned to equate “oligarch” with “Russian,” and the deep state wants to wring every last drop of smear-value out of their Russian collusion hoax leading up to Trump’s negotiations to end the Ukraine war. (Watch for it: they will try to paint him as a potential sellout to Russia to bolster Ukraine’s position in the deal.)
Rather than join the chorus trying to deny Trump is an oligarch, I want to defang that psyop by admitting the plain truth that Trump IS an oligarch, and to show that in his case that’s not a bad thing at all. To do that I will briefly showcase Platos’s five stages of government in his most famous book, “Republic,” and how his model fits the American experience today.
[…]It’s not hard to see a close semblance of this sequence in American history, if you put the founders in the role of a “constitutionalism-loving ideological aristocracy.” And it’s impossible to miss the LBJ/Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden-era transition from oligarch-fearing left-wing populism in the 1960s to outright tyranny over the past two decades. With hardly any editing the last three sentences of that excerpt could serve perfectly as the caption for a smirking photo of the rat pack I just named.
What Trump represents is something beyond and outside of Plato’s model: the attempt by a benign oligarch to intervene against the last-stage tyrants to rescue and restore this republic to the original vision of our founding “ideological aristocrats.”
The Plato summary states that “Oligarchs do, however, value at least one virtue, that of temperance and moderation – not out of an ethical principle or spiritual concern, but because by [reducing] wasteful tendencies they succeed in accumulating money.” Plato apparently did not allow for the possibility of an Oligarch WITH “ethical and spiritual concern,” and thus he did not anticipate men like Donald Trump.
While it is certainly true that Trump exemplifies the goal of “temperance and moderation” in social policies (when he should instead be firmly against “gay marriage” and abortion), and is a veritable force of nature against “wasteful tendencies” in government and foreign policy (which impact his self-admitted personal interest in “accumulating money”), he has clearly not acted solely from selfish desire for personal gain but has proven beyond all doubt through his self-less persistence against all odds – and attempted assassinations – that he does truly love America and Americans.
At this moment in time Donald Trump is the very picture of a tyranny-crushing benign oligarch and a model for governmental leaders all over the world. Were he alive today, even Plato would be forced to acknowledge that.
Let us pray that as his power in the world increases, his intentions and actions remain benign.
The fact that even Lively doesn’t believe that Trump will remain benign tells us that all he cares about is power and ideology, not America.
Lively spent his Jan. 23 column demanding that Trump work toward overturning Supreme Court decisions that thwart and theocratic and homophobic agenda. First up, the law that applied the Establishment Clause to the states:
Everson v. Board of Education (1947). “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12), and conversely, the Christian nation that expressly rejects him is cursed. The wicked jurist and KKK member Hugo Black wrote the majority opinion in Everson, replacing the God of the Bible with Secular Humanism on America’s throne, by elevating Jefferson’s metaphor “separation of church and state” to the status of binding constitutional law. Prior to Everson, God was honored in our law as the Supreme Being (as detailed in the Holy Trinity case), and the truths of the Bible were nationally revered and taught to our children in public schools. Everson set us on a new trajectory away from God toward legally enforced polytheism in the populace and Secular Humanism in the government.
While America was not perfect in the generations prior to Everson, this ruling collapsed our moral underpinnings and triggered the storm of social and cultural chaos that has ever since ravaged this nation in waves of exponentially compounding domestic and international crises. America can never be made great again within the founders understanding of greatness so long as Everson stands as the law of the land.
The other is the law that legalized gay marraige:
Lawrence v. Texas (2003). “A man shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination” states God Himself in His explanation to the Hebrew people justifying His policy of extermination of the Canaanites in Leviticus 18. The ancient common law on “sodomy” was based on this verse (18:22) and the following one: “You must not lie carnally with any animal, thus defiling yourself with it; a woman must not stand before an animal to mate with it; that is a perversion (18:23).” As our third president, Thomas Jefferson noted in his restatement of the law:
“Buggery is twofold. 1. With mankind, 2. With beasts. Buggery is the Genus, of which Sodomy and Bestiality, are the species. … Sodomiary is a carnal copulation against nature, to wit, of man or woman in the same sex, or of either of them with beasts. …” Of the two, Jefferson implied, homosexuality was worse, because “bestiality can never make any progress; it cannot therefore be injurious to society in any great degree, which is the true measure of criminality in foro civili, and will ever be properly and severely punished, by universal derision.”
God’s law against sodomy was enshrined in America’s national law until Lawrence, which was the second of the four landmark rulings written by the satanically inspired Justice Anthony Kennedy establishing LGBT cultural supremacy over Christianity in America. My law partner and I were the only law firm in the country that filed a request for SCOTUS not to accept Lawrence for review, but they did. Kennedy then not only struck down the Texas sodomy laws, but reversed the most important sexual morality ruling in our national history, Bowers v. Hardwick (1986), which recognized the right of states to regulate sexual deviance in the public interest.
Kennedy’s Lawrence ruling was the second and most sweeping of the four major dominos to fall (Romer v. Evans was first, Obergefell was the fourth) that eventually made DEI legally possible, and reversing it (hopefully by restoring Bowers) is the only way to truly kill DEI permanently and to push the LGBT agenda back into the closet where it belongs. I’ve been fighting for this my entire career and predicted in 2013 exactly what we’ve reaped since.
Please pray with me that Trump’s vision for restoration expands to a long-enough timeline to recognize the true destructiveness of these two must-reverse SCOTUS rulings.
Lively didn’t explain why he opposes basic rights being given to people who aren’t white and heterosexual like him.