The unidentified writer of this June 28 WorldNetDaily article seems quite giddy:
Corporate America is learning a lesson: Don’t cross Donald Trump.
One year ago, Trump upended American politics when he declared he was a candidate for president.
Macy’s promptly declared it was cutting ties and dumping Trump’s clothing line because of “disparaging” remarks about Mexicans.
Trump fired back, declaring the company supports illegal immigration. His supporters even shredded their Macy’s credit cards and tens of thousands called to complain about the company’s cave to political correctness.
Trump himself also called for a boycott of the company.
From the vantage of June 2016, it appears Trump has had the last laugh.
The onetime reality television star is now the presumptive Republican candidate for president of the United States. Meanwhile, Macy’s stock price has plummeted.
When Trump first called for the boycott on July 1, 2015, Macy’s stock price stood at $67.82 per share. In less than a year, the stock has lost more than half its value, now standing at just over $31 a share.
Of course, despite this tone and the article’s headline — “MACY’S STOCK IN FREE FALL SINCE DISSING TRUMP” — the problems Macy’s currently faces have nothing whatsoever to do with Macy’s dropping the Trump clothing line, as even our anonymous writer concedes:
And the company’s problems go beyond its stock price.
It reportedly is suffering a year-over-year operating income decline of 40 percent, a 4.4 percent drop in revenue, and a comparable-sales decline of 3.2 percent. Experts claim the company’s decline is as dire as anything suffered during the economic crisis of 2009.
Macy’s recently avoided a strike, though many of its issues with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union remain to be settled.
And last week, Terry Lundgren, who has been CEO for 13 years, announced he will step down from the top job as Macy’s struggles to adjust.
His replacement as CEO, Jeff Gennette, is the current president of the company, leading to accusations from some critics that Macy’s is too cautious to make the kinds of adjustments it needs recover from its current decline.
The company also is struggling to compete with online retailer, which now controls 41.2 percent of the e-commerce market compared to Macy’s 1.5 percent.
WND’s anonymous writer then goes on to sneer: “Not coincidentally, Trump’s ‘Signature Collection’ clothing line is now available for sale through Amazon.”
Well, not exactly. Macy’s was the exclusive retailer of the Trump clothing line, and nobody else has picked it up. The clothing conglomerate that made the clothes for Macy’s, PVH, also wound down its involvement in the licensing deal. This means nobody is currently selling first-run Trump clothing.
Tellingly, WND doesn’t link to to prove that Trump’s clothing line “is now available for sale through Amazon.” Rather, it linked to Trump’s website, which in turn links to Amazon for the categories of neckwear, dress shirts, suits and accessories. But Amazon itself is not selling those items.
For instance a Trump dress shirt states that it’s “Sold by Retail Trunk and Fulfilled by Amazon.” A set of Trump cufflinks says, “Ships from and sold by J&P Universal.” And a Trump suit says it’s “Sold by Suits Empire and Fulfilled by Amazon.”
In other words, most — if not all — of the Trump clothing at Amazon is being sold by third-party sellers who probably bought it on clearance from Macy’s and are simply using Amazon as a selling platform to resell it.
The Trump clothing on Amazon is effectively secondhand, even if it may be “new” and in the original packaging. Don’t expect that anonymous WND writer to explain that to readers, though.