The theme of the January issue of WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine is “CHRISTIAN AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS: Will the freest nation on earth embrace spiritual revival … or death?” WND seems to think that anyone who won’t buy into their far-right version of Christianity deserves death. Indeed, the article promoting it argues that you can’t be a real Christian and not hate transgender people or support abortion:
Despite Donald Trump’s stunning re-election victory, America remains engaged in what amounts to an ongoing civilizational war. A war not merely political in nature, but cultural, ideological, psychological and ultimately spiritual – a long-term struggle between forces of decency, morality and sanity on one side and astonishing deception and evil on the other.
And to jump right down to the bottom line: It is the Christian church in America that will either win or lose this war. After all, while their numbers have somewhat declined in recent years – casualties of the ongoing war – fully two out of every three Americans today, 68%, identify themselves as Christians.
But that statistic itself forces troubling questions:
If the overwhelming majority of Americans are Bible-believing followers of Jesus, how then can it be legal in such a de facto Christian nation to amputate the breasts and sexual organs of literally thousands of confused children who are being encouraged, from many directions, to believe they’re “trapped in the wrong body”? How can it be legal to butcher thousands of beautiful, sacred, fully formed, pain-feeling human babies only weeks before they would have been born? How can “After School Satan Clubs,” sponsored by an explicitly satanic organization, be permitted within public schools across the land? How can the nation’s toddlers be subjected to “drag queen story hour” events at public libraries, during which they’re required to sit at the feet of demonically possessed men dressed as women – and sometimes dressed as demons – who seduce and corrupt these innocents by regaling them with exciting tales of heroic homosexual and transgender youths?
While Christians are winning a few crucial battles – most critically, the life-or-death re-election of Donald Trump – they are losing most others. In truth, many Christians are either entirely absent from the battlefield, or worse, have sided with the enemy.
Yep — WND thinks you are the “enemy” if you’re not as far-right as they are.
In his essay for the issue — published in Jan. 24 to include more current events — Kupelian raged at a Christian pastor who’s not as far-right as he is:
One day after being sworn in as president and vice president, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance attended a prayer service at one of the most iconic churches in the country, Washington, D.C.’s massive National Cathedral. There they found themselves being personally insulted and vilified from the pulpit by Episcopal Bishop Marianne Budde.
According to the preacher, now that Trump is again in the White House, “gay, lesbian and transgender children … fear for their lives.” Same thing with illegal aliens, who according to Budde do most of the real work in this country: They “pick our crops, and clean our office buildings,” they “labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants,” and “wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night shifts in hospitals.” So what if they aren’t “citizens or have the proper documentation,” declared Budde. Don’t deport them, she pleaded.
Trump and Vance pretty much maintained their composure, but could clearly be seen rolling their eyes. (Trump later referred to Budde on Truth Social as a “so-called Bishop” and “Radical Left hard line Trump hater.”)
“Woke” Christianity is increasingly widespread in America.
Kupelian did not explain how it was “woke” to have compassion for your fellow man, which is what Budde called for — we thought that was a central tenet of the Bible — or why Trump and Vance are exempt from criticism, even in church, or why it’s perfectly fine for Christians to allow (and make) other people to fear for their lives. Instead, his lecture continued:
Some so-called Christian believers in America today are obviously fake – “mere form” as Billy Graham put it – with the label “Christian” just serving as the necessary social garb they must wear to get what they want. An obvious example: Most American politicians, even the most corrupt or deranged, claim to be serious Christians, from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As president, Joe Biden supported abortion up to the very moment of birth – de facto infanticide – yet always claimed to be a “devout Catholic.”
But here’s the rub. Even for the millions of sincere Christian believers who make up most of the American population, it turns out – at least during today’s ongoing culture war playing out on a thousand different battlefields – that attending church and listening to sermons and praying and singing hymns and fellowshipping and living a moral personal life (and perhaps even evangelizing) is not enough. That’s likely what all the good church folk did in 1930s Germany. The problem is that, with few exceptions, their church leaders insisted they and their flock “stay in their lane” (to use today’s vernacular) and preach the Gospel, and not “pollute” themselves with politics and other “worldly” affairs. After all, they affirmed to each other, they’re citizens of Heaven, not of this transient, broken world. We’re only here for a short time. Don’t get involved in the evils that play out in this life; instead focus on the eternal world to come.
And that’s how they got Hitler.
We though it was because Germans fell sway to a charismatic leader who led his people into evil by small steps that made the Holocaust seem acceptable. (Kupelian is already well along that path.) Kupelian concluded:
Yet, because of the love of a great and truly merciful God, America was spared this past November from being destroyed – yes, destroyed – by what would have been the most perverse and dangerous government in this nation’s history.
So of course, all clear-headed and right-thinking Americans – including the many millions of Christians who helped elect Trump – are today rejoicing that those in the grip of powerful deception (or who are out-and-out sociopaths) are no longer in charge of the executive branch of the U.S. government. And yet, such people are still in charge of the “Deep State,” and America’s school system from pre-K to post-grad, and America’s predatory popular culture, and most of the major news media, and most of Big Tech and social media, and the leftwing nonprofits and their billionaire financiers, and every other bastion of Marxist madness that remains dedicated – as Barack Obama put it – to “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
All of which is just to say that genuine Christians cannot kick back and “zone out” now that Trump is president and assume he’ll fix everything. That’s not going to happen without our help.
Kupelian was silent, of course, on the “fundamental transformation” Trump is bringing to America — but he’s OK with shoving that particular ideology down the throats of Americans and installing people in government who are in the grip of his preferred deception.