WorldNetDaily wasn’t the only ConWeb outlet to jump back on the Obama Derangement Express with the release of of cache of letters written by Barack Obama’s father. Longtime Obama-hater Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media joins Jack Cashill and Jerome Corsi in going into full conspiracy mode in a June 20 column:
Seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency, the scales may slowly be falling from the eyes of The New York Times. Could the truth about America’s red diaper baby President be starting to emerge?
In a story about papers of his reported father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., the Times said that President Obama has shown no interest in “the newly discovered documents, which included nearly two dozen of his father’s letters, his transcripts from the University of Hawaii and Harvard University, and references from professors, advisers and supporters.” The paper added, “Nearly three years later, as Mr. Obama celebrates his last Father’s Day in the White House, the center [the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem] is still waiting” for a response from the President as to whether he is interested in seeing the documents.
What accounts for this strange behavior from Obama? Could the lack of interest have something to do with the fact that the Kenyan is not Obama’s real father?
Kincaid goes on, as WND’s Cashill did, to cite liar and charlatan Joel Gilbert’s discredited film asserting that Frank Marshall Davis is Obama’s “real father” as evidence of his conspiracy. But Kincaid’s not done conspiracy-ing:
Based on all the available evidence, including the newly discovered documents, it would appear that the Kenyan Obama had been used not only for the purpose of concealing an illicit relationship between Obama’s mother and Davis, but also for hiding a Marxist agenda for America and the world.
But Obama’s cover-up goes much deeper than this.
For that “deeper” conspiracy, Kincaid cites an even more discredited Obama-hater, Ed Klein, to claim that Obama is comfortable being a Christian without renouncing his “Islamic background.”
Two days later, Kincaid followed up to elaborate on his Obama-hating conspiracy:
With the release of papers associated with the Kenyan Obama, it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that President Barack Obama was not his son. The nation has been treated to a monumental deception. Indeed, Obama campaigned as someone he is not. One can understand some of the reasons for the deception. Davis was a communist whose illicit affair with Obama’s mother was not something to be proud of. But shame should have taken a back seat to the need for the American people to learn the truth. Obama decided not to take that route. He told the American people a whopper about his dad being from Kenya. It was a calculated political deception, much like the claim he made while campaigning for office in 2008 that he was a committed Christian. Once he was elected, he became “The Politician Without a Church,” someone more likely to be on a golf course than worshipping Christ, and a president eager to accommodate the demands of the Muslim world.
Although Obama is nearing the end of his presidency, the questions which follow proof of his lies are still relevant, since he will rally Democrats to vote for Hillary Clinton, the apparent Democratic nominee, and has several months to do more damage. Before campaigning for a woman who may be charged with being a security risk, he should be asked about the lies that he told that, if exposed in 2008 or 2012, might have convinced millions of voters that he wasn’t to be trusted with the power of the presidency. In his own way, Obama was more of a security risk than Mrs. Clinton. But as a candidate and as President, he never underwent a background security check, enabling him to decide on his own what information was “secure” and what was not.
Since Democrats are charging that Donald J. Trump is a charlatan of some sort, shouldn’t Barack Obama’s lies about his controversial background be exposed, once and for all? Isn’t Obama the real charlatan? Didn’t he conceal major aspects of his background in order to win the presidency?
If anything, Obama seems to be a much bigger charlatan. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is accused of making business deals that ripped people off, such as in the case of Trump University. Legal proceedings will determine the truth of these claims. Obama, by contrast, committed electoral fraud, promising “hope and change” that has turned out to be a version of the kind of socialism that is currently ravaging Venezuela. Obama’s fraud has put the entire country at risk.
Kincaid likes hanging out with liars and charlatans like Joel Gilbert, so why wouldn’t he embrace Trump?