Wayne Allyn Root began his Nov. 24 WorldNetDaily column ranting about “open borders” and the Biden administration releasing funds to Iraq for it to pay for electricity from Iran (which, in turn, can be used by Iran only for humanitarian purposes). Then he got really bizarre:
The thing is …
We know exactly who is doing these terrible, evil, unimaginable things to America – Joe Biden (and his boss Obama) and the Democrat Party [sic].
Why would anyone allow this? Why would anyone commit both these heinous acts at the same time? Let’s really think about this.
Are they crazy? Mentally insane? Suicide bombers? Communist traitors?
Or could they be “on the take”?
Are Democrats being bribed billions of dollars into offshore accounts to allow our enemies to poison our population, collapse our economy, murder our own people and destroy the greatest nation in world history?
I’m thinking they’re all getting big bribes from Iran. And even bigger bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels. And the biggest bribes of all from China. They’ve sold us out. Et tu, Brute?
There is only one other explanation.
Could Biden (and his boss Obama) and the leadership of the Democrat Party be taking orders from the devil himself? Is this Satan’s vision the Democrats are carrying out? Is Satan in charge? Are we in “end times”?
It’s time to really look at what is happening and why. There really is no other rational explanation for the madness of the people running our country.
Democrats must be insane, evil, self-hating suicide bombers; communist traitors; corrupt, bribed and playing for our enemies; or playing for Satan.
These horrifying choices are the only way to explain what is happening to America.
Only God and Donald J. Trump can save us now.
Root really had to invent all sorts of horrible stuff about Democats in order to make readers think that an amoral criminal like Trump would be an improvement.
UPDATE: Bob Unruh previewed Root’s column in a Nov. 21 “news” article, cheering that he “openly is asking whether Satan is in charge of the Democrat party [sic].”