Something about President Biden makes WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah go into spasms of Biden Derangement Syndrome. And with the new year, we saw new Biden meltdowns from Farah. Let’s review, shall we?
Does it seem like every day, there is another scandal surrounding Joe Biden?
It seems like our world is on fire.
- Beginning on the first day of his “presidency,” Biden has done everything wrong. He set out first to ensure the U.S. was no longer energy independent – by design.
- He began declaring Republicans were “insurrectionists” – and the real enemies of America.
- The Department of Justice began treating parents of school children as a “domestic enemies.”
- He made a debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- He opened the border for massive illegal immigration.
- He stepped up censorship against most of his domestic opponents.
And now this:
Reported this week is the fact that among the items from Joe Biden’s time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are 10 classified documents including U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom. The documents were dated between 2013 and 2016.
They were found in three or four boxes that also contained unclassified papers that fall under the Presidential Records Act.
— Jan. 11
What has Joe Biden been hiding from 2016 and beyond? No one in the press has been asking. Strange. Because a lot is not known about that time period – stuff that could explain much about the classified documents recently discovered at his homes in Delaware and at the Penn Biden Center.
Starting in 2018, Biden started doing weird stuff – he started building his “crime family.”
That’s when we found out that Hunter Biden claimed that he owned his Dad’s home – the one his father also claimed to own. Hunter, in fact, also listed the house as his primary residence on his driver’s license. This is the very same home where Joe Biden has spent a third of his presidency, in addition to his beach house in Rehoboth, without maintaining any visitor logs.
It seems there’s a lot to be learned from Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell,” still in the possession of the FBI and FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Now do you understand why Biden’s tax returns are not available after 2018?
— Jan. 17
(In fact, the Bidens have released their tax returns through 2021.)
Many of us have been trying to figure out what’s wrong with so many in our country. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the governor of Arkansas, gave the rebuttal to Biden’s State of the Union. Because she has a humble heart, she called his caricature speech “crazy.”
It was crazy. It was warlike. It was sinful. His statements were full of fighting words. They were proud. They were devilish.
He is far from God. He’s not walking with him. He’s walking the other direction.
With his words, Biden he was being thoroughly deceitful, and he’s been that way for a long time. What he has been doing to this country for his entire career is despicable. What he is doing now is taking us all down to the pit of hell – if we will follow.
[…]It comes down to humility. That’s what God says.
As James, Jesus’ brother, said: “Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.”
That means you, too, Joe Biden.
— Feb. 10
Many people have read Alex Thompson’s Politico story that contains the most truthful quote that Barack Obama may have ever given to anyone about Joe Biden.
Obama, you will recall, spoke with a Democrat, expressing his private doubts about Biden becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 2020.
The former president famously said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.”
[…]Obama was absolutely right about Biden. We’ve all seen it in spades. He had it exactly right.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.” Words that all Americans are increasingly comprehending on a daily basis.
— Feb. 14
You had better sit down for this one. It’s so bizarre, you won’t believe it. I scarcely believe it myself.
The World Health Organization, a subsidiary of the United Nations run by a team of bureaucrats in Geneva, soon could have the power to dictate lockdowns, vaccination mandates, social distancing and much more in the United States.
Even surveillance of citizens.
Joe Biden is getting ready to sign the U.S. up to a “legally binding” deal that would give international politicians authority to make decisions for America during a pandemic.
And he’s maneuvering so it won’t require approval by the U.S Senate. I’m not kidding. And you didn’t believe all those who told you that the 2020 election was fraudulent, stolen from the people, rigged and that was only the beginning?
Think again.
— Feb. 21
(Not only is this claim not true, it was debunked months before Farah wrote about it.)
You’ll be happy to hear that Joe Biden recently got a clean bill of health from his personal physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor. Of course, the report didn’t mention his noticeable cognitive decline – the thing that concerns most Americans.
Nevertheless, he was cleared as fit to continue fulfilling his duties as commander in chief – with memory lapses, trips and falls, forgetfulness episodes, inability to know where he is and where he’s going, nor what he is talking about.
— March 2