WorldNetDaily continues to be very much into Capitol riot revisionism. It devoted articles to dubious claims about the riot that tried to both downplay the violence and portray it as a secret government conspiracy:
WND also republished a Dec. 17 article from the extremely discredited Gateway Pundit complaining that Nikki Haley “slammed President Trump for his response to the January 6 fed-surrection, featuring Jim Hoft ranting in response:
Haley said nothing about the police officers starting the riot – firing on an innocent crowd of children, seniors, veterans, men and women, without warning.
Haley said nothing about the FBI buses that met at Union Station that morning filled with FBI assets dressed as Trump supporters.
Haley said nothing about Pelosi and Mayor Bowser calling off the National Guard just days before the riot.
Haley said nothing about the HUNDREDS of patriotic Americans who had their homes raided at 6 in the morning for WALKING INTO the US Capitol.
Haley said nothing about the four Americans who were killed that day after police started firing rubber bullets, exploding gas cannisters and then beat one protester to death as she lay unconscious on the US Capitol Steps.
How does Nikki Haley expect to win over the Trump voters when she is so ignorant on facts and issues?
Meanwhile, Jim Darlington spent his Dec. 14 column demanding that all riot-related footage be released immediately and all at once:
The enormity of the task of sifting through the J6 “43,000 hours” of video from the day of the alleged “insurrection” would seem to be before us now. The new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has authorized the release of all the January 6th video, and the nation breathes a sigh of relief. At last! Right?
No. Not really. Not quite. Sorry, Mr. Speaker, but we are trying really hard not to be stupid. How many times has this been announced, so far? We get excited and a month goes by before we learn there is a special process to be followed for national security reasons. It all has to be painstakingly reviewed, some faces need to be blurred, care must be taken that nothing top secret gets past the team of faithfully woke editors working diligently in the third sub-basement of the National Archives. No need to hold it for 50 years. Just take your sweet time till the national attention span has expired. Till after the 2024 election. Till after the convictions. Till Trump goes away.
Maybe it would get real if a million of us promised to withhold our contributions to the RNC, the Republican National Committee, pending delivery. Of all of it. All at once. Now.
Speaker Johnson ordered the utterly meaningless slow release of this material, so there is no honest question as to his authority to just let it rip! FREE the VIDEO! … ALL of IT! … NOW!
[…]How important is the J6 video evidence? Its potential, if exposed, collectively analyzed and wisely presented, is immense. The insane narrative of a Trumpian inspired “attack on our democracy” is on the bottom tier of a house of cards, which supports the great lies of the “most secure election in American history and its attempted overthrow by white supremacists.” It has been used to justify the tyrannical suppression, intimidation and lawless jailing of the conservative opposition to an administration bent on our nation’s undoing.
Darlington didn’t explain how the existence of footage of rioters not committing crimes disproves the footage of rioters who did. He also glossed over how, allegedly, “some faces need to be blurred,” skipping over the fact that the goal of doing so is to protect criminals from being held accountable.