In September, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah declared yet another “existential threat” to his website, asserting that “We need to raise a minimum of $100,000 before the end of October.” Since then, Farah has been almost completely silent on the issue in his column, preferring instead to do things like find biblical justification for begging for money, urging atonement from everyone but himself and parroting Chuck Norris’ election endorsements.
He has, however, been writing updates in emails to the WND mailing list — and the news hasn’t been good. He wrote in an Oct. 25 email: “As I revealed a few weeks ago, we need to raise a minimum of $100,000 before the end of October. We have about a week left, and are a little more than half way there. I hope you can help us.” He has talked poor before a self-imposed deadline before in a bid to increase donations. But that magic didn’t work this time. He wrote in a Nov. 5 email:
And right now, it pains me to tell you that not only have all WND’s staffers had to accept pay cuts, but making payroll is frequently delayed as we attempt to overcome multiple crises that constitute an existential threat to the nation’s oldest independent Christian online journalism organization.
A few weeks ago I revealed to you that we needed to raise $100,000 by the end of October. Many of you generously pitched in – and thank you so very much to everyone who did. However, we still fell short – and we are still struggling to make payroll for our journalists. Therefore, if others reading these words are able to help in any way, large or small, that support is still seriously needed. I hope and pray you can help us during this particularly tough time for WND.
Farah also repeated the lie that WND “publish[es] entirely truthful information Americans desperately need.”
Farah made a similar plea in a Nov. 15 email:
Because of all the attacks on us, a few weeks ago I reluctantly revealed that we needed to raise $100,000 by the end of October. Many of you generously pitched in – and thank you so very much to everyone who did. However, we still fell short – and even today we are still struggling to make payroll for our dedicated journalists and a few other key bills necessary for our continued operation. Therefore, if others reading these words are able to help in any way, large or small, that support is still seriously needed. And if you have already contributed, but think you could pitch in a little more, that would be wonderful and appreciated. Every bit helps.
I hope and pray you can help us during this particularly tough time for WND.
Farah repeated that plea in emails on Nov. 20 and Nov. 21. He also repeated lies that WND is “publishing the TRUTH” and “that’s what we do for a living – report the news truthfully.”
Farah is looking more desperate than shameless this time around — and that may not be a good sign for WND. The fact that Farah lies about how WND is “publishing the TRUTH” though even a casual reader can identify misinformation and outright falsehoods that appear on a seemingly daily basis (or just peruse the ConWebWatch archives) suggests that whatever reality distortion field Farah has in keeping his website alive may not be working like it once did.
Is WND done for this time? We shall see. But it’s not looking good.