Aside from his dishonest moral projection — specifically, his insistence on pushing right-wing virtue-signaling while refusing to apologize for the election fraud lies he peddled after the 2020 election — Newsmax columnist has been getting into more esoteric conspiracy theories, such as claiming that you lose your soul if get yourself microchipped. For his Sept. 19 column, Hirsen peddled a slightly less esoteric conspiracy theory that has also been embraced by the likes of WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah:
The Biden administration is pursuing something called a central bank digital currency (CBDC), also sometimes referred to as the “digital dollar.”
In March 2022 an executive order was issued, calling on federal agencies to research a number of topics that include the pros and cons of the digital dollar.
The Treasury, Justice Department, Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, Securities and Exchange Commission as well as other agencies were asked to contribute to the reports.
[…]With regard to the inherent dangers of these developments, there is a whole lot to be concerned about.
CBDCs are very different from cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are private and untraceable. CBDCs are controlled by government.
Not only are CBDCs able to collect personally identifiable financial information and track the transactions of each and every individual, they are also programmable.
Programmable digital currency gives government leaders something they have never had before — the ability to limit or even stop altogether the purchases of all persons engaged in the digital currency’s use.
Money spent on things that for whatever reasons are deemed by government as “inappropriate” could be restricted, or said purchases could be totally halted.
How could a plan such as this be implemented? With the flick of a virtual switch.
Programmable currency has the capacity to have a built-in off switch. The government powers that be could then de-activate such digital currency and render it worthless, if they so choose.
Additionally, use of CBDCs would enable all shopping records to be stored in government databanks. Records could then be evaluated and measured against government-created standards.
As we documented when Farah pushed this conspiracy, none of this is happening. Biden’s executive order simply authorized analysis of the risks and benefits and what legislative changes would be needed if such a system went forward.Despite that inconvenient fact, Hirsen concluded with more fearmongering:
Should the digital dollar arrive in our virtual wallets, the longstanding U.S. motto that has graced our coin and paper currency is unlikely to be visible.
But it will prove to be more important than ever.
Apparently, Hirsen has decided that scaring his readers is easier than apologizing to them.
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