The Media Research Center has done a lot of hating of drag queens this year, particularly during Pride Month in June. But it spent all summer spewing hate at them as well. Nicholas Fondacaro devoted a July 29 post to complaining that the co-hosts of “The View” don’t hate drag queens as much as he and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis does:
On Friday’s edition of The View, the show essentially came out in support of exposing kids to sexualized drag shows by decrying Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis for filing a complaint against a venue that exposes children. Co-host and “Republican” Ana Navarro was irritated by the move and whined to queer star Billy Porter that this was happening to the place she had her bridal shower.
Porter, who was on the show to promote his new Amazon Prime movie Anything’s Possible (which is about a trans high school student finding love), had some thoughts about Florida but held back saying “I can’t say it on daytime!” “Oh, God. Here we go,” he proclaimed in fear as she started her story.
“There seems to be this renewed anti-LGBTQ campaign of wanting to portray LGBTQ as if they were groomers and all this stuff,” she bemoaned.
The MRC has previously attacked Porter for his gender-bending sense of fashion. Also, Fondacaro didn’t explain how a man wearing a dress is, in and of itself, “sexualized.”
Fondacaro ranted about drag shows again in an Aug. 1 post:
In something of a double-down to a segment from last week, co-host Ana Navarro spent part of Monday’s The View making the totally rational argument (sarcasm) that sexually explicit drag shows weren’t that bad for kids, since they aren’t deadly like guns. She also claimed red states were like Cuba and North Korea in that they’re supposedly barring their citizens from leaving their borders.
[…]Navarro went on to complain that those opposed to kids at drag shows are just “cherry-picking” their outrage. She then made the ridiculous argument that the drag shows weren’t that bad because they don’t kill kids as guns do:
Listen, I looked at the top causes of endangerment for children, of children’s death. It’s firearm. It’s car accidents. It’s drownings. It is not drag queens. I’ve yet to see a kid that dies from being exposed to a drag queen
Again, Fondacaro never explained what, exactly, was “sexually explicit” about the drag show he and DeSantis are attacking.
In another Aug. 1 post, Michel Ippolito screeched about a drag show in a church:
Just when you thought the drag queen shows could not get any worse, they just did. The drag queens have moved on from twerking in front of children to making their home in sacred religious places.
An Episcopal Church invited a drag queen to perform a show in its pride “chapel” in New York City.
The video showed how religious these degenerate leftists are. But instead of worshiping Jesus, these lunatics worship a burly man dressed like a woman. A man who looks to be in charge of the church introduces the drag performer, Brita Filter, as the main star. “It’s Brita Filter,” the man says, “and she is the queen of New York!” Then the hip-hop music begins to play, and the congregation begins barking like seals as Brita Filter walks down the aisle. The congregation’s cheers get louder, and they stand up like the president is walking by. Finally, Brita Filter makes her way in front of the altar and displays himself for all to see. He happily waves and continues to receive applause from the sheepish audience. The lack of respect from the audience is damming.
Here’s another spot you can mark on your map as an inappropriate place for kids. The left does not care for anything outside of their radical ideologies.
Ippolito didn’t explain how drag is an “ideology.”
An Aug. 29 post by Matt Philbin was a meltdown over how the Washington Post committed the offense of admitting that drag shows exist:
The Washington Post; (Democracy Dies on Page One) is all in on the trans mania. Last week, education reporter Moriah Balingit dropped a couple thousand words moaning about a Kentucky transgender middle schooler sho can’t play field hockey. Today, dance critic Sarah L. Kaufman fires up her freak finder to recommend “Six drag queens you should be following on YouTube.”
Only The Post gives you this kind of “news you can use.” And Kaufman is an enthusiastic guide to girly boy burlesque. “Watching skilled performers do, say and be whatever they want — that’s exhilarating,” Kaufman writes. And it sure seems to blow wind up her skirt: “After all, not caring much about norms and outdated whispers is what got the queens into their wigs and sparkles in the first place.”
However, now that every minor cable network worthy of its name has drag-themed shows, and gender perversion is as pervasive as disco was in the 70s, it all seems a bit dull. No wonder Drag Queen Story Hour is a thing – let your freak flag fly around toddlers to recapture some of that old “transgressive” magic.
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg had an even bigger meltdown in an Sept. 6 post over a drag show that she got tipped off about from the transphobes at the LibsofTikTok Twitter account (which the MRC disgustingly defended after a Washington Post reporter exposed its proprietor, Chaya Raichik):
Someone get the bleach. I need it for my eyes.
According to Prevo, Utah, back-to-school day this year needed not only a drag queen in attendance, but many drag queens in mini-dresses dancing on stage for, well, everyone. Including kids.
“Jenna Tailia,” whose name when sounded out reads “Genitalia,” was one of the performers featured at the school’s “all-ages back to school drag extravaganza,” LibsofTikTok reported.
Speaking of genitalia, “Ms.” Jenna had his own practically hanging out when he did the splits for the audience mid-performance and finished the number on his knees with his crotch taking center stage.
If you watch the video, you can see what looks like a three-to-four-year-old little girl sitting in the front row, watching the erotic display of junk literally being shoved in her face.
Other performers included “Ana Lee Kage” (a.k.a., “Anal Leakage”) “Peter Pansy,” and “Kitty Kitty” – all of whom were dubbed “incredible.”
The event, called “Back to School Pride,” was sponsored by the RaYnbow Collective, a LGBTQ advocacy group for Brigham Young University.
So it was for college students? Funny how Mandelburg waited until the seventh paragraph to mention that fact while suggesting the show was being staged specifically for children. She wenbt on to falsely smear drag performer as “pedophiles” and concluded with a rant:
Though this disturbing and demonic event is still shocking in its display, it isn’t surprising. This is exactly the content that the left’s woke mob wants to promote and it’s not going to stop until people stop being brainwashed by the true root of things like this: evil.
Remember, if the MRC doesn’t like it, it’s obviously “evil.