The transphobic sports bloggers at the Media Research Center predictably melted down over transgender college swimmer Lia Thomas, and that meltdown continued since the last time we checked in on them. A Jan. 18 post by the mysterious Jay Maxson (whose gender, ironically, we’re not even sure of) was filled with hate and deliberate misgendering:
In a gag-worthy twist, the latest from the PennU trans swimming pool is that Lia Thomas says he is the Jackie Robinson of transgender athletics. Strange, but I don’t recall anything about a “Jacquelyn” Robinson, major league baseball’s first black player with Brooklyn in 1947, later joining the Rockford Peaches women’s baseball team (1943-54) and batting .990!
Robinson was a man’s man, U.S. Army veteran and a great, Hall of Fame baseball player. He was hard as nails for taking the horrible racial abuse he suffered. He would have scoffed at the idea of men playing with the girls.
To be compared to Thomas, who previously swam on the Penn men’s team and now leaves female rivals in his distant wake, would be absurd, shocking and absolutely insulting to Jackie.
Maxson went on to cite an anonymous person who claims to be a swimmer on the Penn team who was critical of Thomas: “Additionally, we learned from this Penn swimmer the self-absorbed Thomas is ‘not sympathetic or empathetic at all’ and has never talked with teammates to find out if they accept a man on their team. It’s all about him.” Donald Trump has those same characteristics and we’ve never heard Maxson complain about that.
The same day, John Simmons bashed champion swimmer Michael Phelps for accurately noting that Thomas’ situation is complicated, whining that “his stance on transgenderism leaves a lot to be desired.” before going into right-wing lecture mode: “People cannot simply take testosterone suppressants or have reassignment surgery to ‘change their gender.’ You are either born a male or a female, anything else you do is a feeble attempt to change the fundamental identity you were born with. So we should never be ‘comfortable in our own skin’ if we are living a lie, but our Phelps seems perfectly okay to let that one slide.”
Maxson returned on Jan. 21 to whine that “the NCAA is changing its rules because of Thomas,” further huffing: “Maybe being the BTOC (Big Transgender On Campus) wasn’t such a hot idea after all for Will ‘Lia’ Thomas. She’s growing more and more unpopular with her teammates.” A Jan. 28 post by Matt Philbin — under the weird, creepy headline “Women’s Locker Room Gets Teste Over Thomas” — was also outraged that Thomas allegedly has Trump’s personality (and is weirdly obsessed with the state of Thomas’ genitals):
There’s still junk in Davy Jones’s locker, and the gals don’t wanna see it.
Whether you believe he is a she (he isn’t), or whether he/she should compete on the University of Penn women’s swim team (he shouldn’t), all Americans can come together and agree on a single, simple truth: Lia Thomas is a selfish jerk.
[…]Just ask Thomson’s teammates. Some of them told the Daily Mail that Thomas sometimes doesn’t cover her as yet unmutilated male genitalia. “While Lia covers herself with a towel sometimes, there’s a decent amount of nudity,” says the Mail. Swimmers say they “have had a glimpse at her private parts.” Uh, ew.
“‘It’s definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,’ one swimmer on the team told in an exclusive interview.” Apparently, says the Mail, “Lia has told her teammates that she dates women.”
So he is becoming a she so she can …? Whatever. The point is that the nudity is just another indication that Thomas doesn’t seem to give a water rat’s patootie about the actual women trying to compete in actual women’s swimming. The women who are his ostensible teammates. (There’s no I in TEAM, but there sure is in LIA.)
[…]In an era when people are using the word “performative” unironically, it’s impossible to know how sincerely Thomas believes his own shtick. But would anyone really be surprised if his college career ends and Thomas never completes the transition to Lia? Far-fetched? Not in the Age of Trans.
It seems that both Philbin and Maxson have forgotten that their employer considers anonymous sources to be untrustworthy. Maxson forgot it again in a Jan. 30 post:
The Will (aka “Lia”) Thomas controversy with Penn University women’s swimming is on a collision course with postseason events and potential NCAA rules changes regarding transgender athletes. An anonymous member of that team told Fox News she overheard Penn administrations speaking of a potential lawsuit if Thomas is prevented from NCAA national competition in March.
The anonymous swimmer, who fears LGBT retaliation if she reveals her name, told Fox New, “I have a feeling that if USA Swimming changes their rules, they will be filing a lawsuit for Lia (see Thomas photos as male, upper right, and female, upper left) to swim, but they wouldn’t do that for us. That’s just really upsetting.”
[…]While anonymous Penn swimmers feed inside information to the media, a group of left-wing law groups published a public letter last week in The Daily Pennsylvanian in support of Thomas and the hysteria surrounding transgender athletes.
Actually, the folks generating that “hysteria” are transphobes like Maxson. Speaking of transphobia, Simmons served up a helping of it in a Feb. 22 post:
Left-leaning, publicly-funded media outlet National Public Radio (NPR), like a large contingent of the American population, loves the fact that trans-woman Lia Thomas is dominating the swimming competition in the Ivy League. They love it so much they are willing to sacrifice basic journalist principles to make sure it’s seen as nothing but an accomplishment that everyone should celebrate.
Michaela Winberg, a general assignment reporter who covers LGBTQ people and culture for Billy Penn (in Philadelphia), produced a radio feature for Morning Edition that NPR posted on their website as a reaction piece to Lia Thomas’ record-setting weekend at the Ivy League’s women’s swimming championships (the transcript for which is here ). However, Winberg did not conduct a single interview with someone who may have opposed the fact that a man is swimming against women, and all the quotes from her sources voiced nothing but support for the delusional athlete.
Then it was lecture time again from Simmons:
There were no interviews with biological women, no quotes from parents who would rightfully feel enraged about their daughters losing to a man, no perspective from the other side. Nothing.
This situation lacks all semblance of basic moral principles and common sense, which is perhaps exactly why NPR published the story in the first place.
But, the reason why no opposing voices are allowed to be heard is because they all just want to be accepted. The media and the wackos who support this ideology want to purport a narrative that says anyone who wants to indulge in their delusions should be allowed to do so, and no one should attack them or make them own up to their actions. But if you’re going to be so bold about your stance, shouldn’t you be able to take a little heat from the other side?
Seems to me like you should.
If so, Simmons should start inside MRC headquarters, where its “news” division serves up bias and unbalanced reporting on a regular basis.
Philbin returned to spend a Feb. 28 post in full whine mode over an Associated Press report that accurately pointed out how right-wingers like him are hyping transgenderism in general and Thomas in particular as wedge issues for political purposes:
Long before “Republicans Pounce!” they had “wedge issues.” They used them to divide people and, according to an AP report, they still do.
Today’s GOP wedge issue of choice is transgenderism – you know, the mental health problem that’s sweeping the nation? Conservatives and Republicans (and lots of other normal folks) are bewildered and revulsed by the trans craze, and so it’s coming up in GOP primaries.
[…]Worse, these cynical troglodytes aren’t even following transgender industrial complex-approved protocols. McMillan and Levy huffed that a Missouri senate candidate’s ad called swimmer Lia Thomas “by her by her deadname and saying ‘women’s sports are for women, not men pretending to be women.’” Horrifying. Except that Lia was a mediocre men’s swimmer named Will until he started, well, pretending to be a woman.
Another campaign had the effrontery to use “inaccurate terminology to describe transgender women” when it said its candidate doesn’t believe that “biological males should compete in women’s sports.” Okay Jeff and Marc, we get it. You guys are hip to the acceptable terminology, and virtuous in your insistence on correcting others.
“The efforts to make political hay of transgender and other LGBTQ people extend well beyond just campaign ads,” the Wonder Woke Twins write. “At least 10 states have banned transgender athletes from participating in sports in a way that is consistent with their gender identity.”
Philbin’s mocking tone disguises the fact that no point does he deny that that he and his fellow right-wingers are whipping up transphobic hysteria for political purposes.