Given the massive amounts of hero worship WorldNetDaily has already provided to Donald Trump, it was only a matter of time before it granted him full martyr status. And the July issue…
FLASHBACK: MRC Cheered Demise Of Anti-Disinfo Board It Smeared
We’ve shown how the Media Research Center falsely smeared a proposed anti-disinformation effort in the Department of Homeland Security as an Orwellian “ministry of truth” that would censor Americans. When those smears…
Newsmax Columnists Remain Wildly Pro-Trump After Debate
Newsmax worked to spin its “news” coverage of August’s Republican presidential candidate in a pro-Trump direction, even though Trump didn’t take part and did an interview with Tucker Carlson instead. Newsmax’s opinion-makers…
MRC Still Dabbling In Ray Epps Conspiracy Theories
It’s indicative of the Media Research Center’s slow creep toward the far right that it’s entertaining Ray Epps conpsiracy theories. It started dabbling in them earlier this year, and it’s continuing to…
WND Misleads Readers Again About COVID Vaccine Effectiveness
WorldNetDaily loves to spread fake news about COVID vaccines, and Peter LaBarbera served up his fake-news offering in a June 21 article, under the alarmist headline “CDC chief KNEW COVID vaccine didn’t…
Newsmax’s Reporting On GOP Debate Boosted Trump, Tweaked Fox News
The Trump-fluffers at Newsmax were putting a pro-Trump slant on the first debate of Republican presidential candidates months before it happened. In June, Newsmax was touting how Trump was thinking about skipping…
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC’s Lingering Obama Derangement, Part 1
The Media Research Center repeatedly displayed anger and jealousy at Barack and Michelle Obama for their success in TV production and publishing memoirs after they left the White House. Read more >>
FLASHBACK: How MRC Falsely Smeared Anti-Disinfo Board As ‘Ministry of Truth’
When the Biden administration set out to create a “Disinformation Governance Board” last year with the goal of identifying false or misleading information that harms national security, the Media Research Center joined…
WND Mad That Quack Doctor Has To Find Another Bank
Joseph Mercola is one of WorldNetDaily’s favorite quack doctors — he has spread misinformation about COVID vaccines and masks, it touted his hyping of totally imaginary “mass formation psychosis,” and it pushed…
MRC’s DeSantis Defense Brigade Watch, Homophobic Video Defense Edition
The DeSantis Defense Brigade at the Media Research Center continues to hate it when people call out what a terrible and nasty candidate and overall person Ron DeSantis is: When a pro-DeSantis…