Mychal Massie keeps up the COVID vaccine fearmongering and misinformation in his Feb. 14 WorldNetDaily column that starts off by likening vaccine mandates to the Tuskegee experiment: The federal government and every…
MRC Continued To Lash Out Over Comprehensive Durham Coverage
When last we left off, the Media Research Center was complaining that the John Durham filing about Hillary Clinton it had been obsessively hyping was getting covered in full by other media…
Fail: WND’s Cashill Attacked Wrong Paper Over Trayvon Martin Tribute
Jack Cashill began his March 2 WorldNetDaily column by ranting: Ten years after the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, former President Barack Obama has no excuse for the litany of lies…
Compare And Contrast, F-Bomb Edition
There are two things you can know for certain about Boston: the people there are incredibly passionate about almost everything, and it is a firmly liberal city. That’s why what happened after…
CNS Editor Tries To Blame Russia Trade, Oil Imports On Biden
Another part of’s wartime war on President Biden in the runup to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is editor Terry Jeffrey blaming Biden for engaging in trade with Russia — though Jeffrey…
MRC Gets Mad Media Wants To Cover Both Sides of Durham Filing
We’ve shown how the Media Research Center sought to reinforce a right-wing narrative by obsessively hyping a filing by special counsel John Durham suggesting that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was spying on the…
COVID Misinformer Malone Brought A Friend For Latest WND Interview
Robert Malone has been one of WorldNetDaily’s favorite COVID misinformers, to the point that one of the rare bits of original reporting it has done recently was to interview him. For a…
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC Goes On Rogan Patrol, Part 2
The Media Research Center remains in permanent Joe Rogan defense mode — even when his love for saying the N-word on his podcast was irrefutably documented. Read more >>
In Days Before Ukraine Invasion, CNS Touted Putin’s Strength, Mocked Biden’s Alleged Weakness
Just as has rooted for Vladimir Putin over President Biden in the past, it continued that un-American attitude in the days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, repeatedly touting Putin’s strength and…
MRC Tried To Turn Dubious Durham Filing Into Massive Scandal
We’ve said it before: the Media Research Center’s true name is the Right-Wing Talking Point Manufacturing Center. One story the MRC particularly wanted to manufacture right-wing talking points about was the filing…