Even after being sick for several days with a moderate case of COVID, WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown couldn’t stop waffling on the issue of vaccination (he wasn’t, which likely made his case…
Newsmax Defends Trump Against Conservatives At National Review
Newsmax remains firmly in Trump suck-up mode, and that was made clear again in a Feb. 6 “news” article by Eric Mack defending Donald Trump against the conservatives at National Review, complaining…
CNS Promotes Right-Wing Rabbis Bizarrely Bashing The ADL Again
CNSNews.com — particularly managing editor Michael W. Chapman — just loves the pro-Trump right-wing rabbis who call themselves the Coalition for Jewish Values, even when they’re doing nonsensical things like defending Tucker…
MRC Shows Its Partisan Colors In Its War on NewsGuard
The Media Research Center has been waging war on website credibility firm NewsGuard for the sin of finding that right-wing websites are less credible than mainstream news or even liberal websites —…
Michael Brown’s COVID Agony, Part 1
The last time we checked in on WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown’s musings about COVID, he was giving anti-vaxxers a pass for spreading misinformation because holding misinformers accountable is worse than the information…
MRC’s Double Standard On Politicians’ Social Security Numbers
The Media Research Center’s Scott Whitlock huffed in a Feb. 8 post: The bullying of moderate Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ratcheted up to a new level on Monday as a far-left media site…
NEW ARTICLE: Catholic Priest Or Right-Wing Activist?
CNSNews.com is giving Rev. Michael Orsi a platform to spout right-wing talking points and anti-vaxxer attitudes that seem incongruous with the fact that he’s supposed to be a Catholic minister. Read more…
Rogan Patrol: Faced With Defending Rogan’s Use Of N-Word, The MRC Plays Whataboutism
When you commit to something the way the Media Research Center has to defending Joe Rogan’s COVID misinformation, you’re pretty much stuck defending everything he does. A Feb. 1 post by Jeffrey…
CNS Falsely Suggests Keystone Pipeline Would Lower Gas Prices
CNSNews.com, like a good right-wing apparatchik, was predictably outraged when President Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline shortly after taking office. A January 2021 article by managing editor Michael W. Chapman, for…
MRC Promotes Attempt To Whitewash Anti-Gay Conversion Therapy
A few months back, we caught WorldNetDaily trying to whitewash warmed-over anti-gay conversion therapy as “reintegrative therapy.” Now, the Media Research Center is taking a stab it it. Gabriela Pariseau wrote in…