Just because Joe Rogan quasi-apologized for spreading misinformation doesn’t mean the Media Research Center had finished defending his right to spread it. Curtis Houck kept up the whining that Rogan was being…
Fake News: WND Pushes Bogus Claim About COVID Cases In Israel
Wayne Allyn Root wasn’t the only WorldNetDaily writer to fall for a bogus viral anti-vaxx claim out of Israel. Art Moore wrote in a Feb. 3 article: Most of the severe COVID-19…
MRC Misleads About DeSantis And The Nazis
The Media Research Center is continuing to serve as an apologist and cheerleader for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Curtis Houck huffed in a Feb. 2 post: Houck omitting important facts about DeSantis’…
CNS Touts Anti-LGBT Activist’s Hate — But Censors Him Getting Busted For Fake Documentary
It’s no surprise that the notoriously homophobic CNSNews.com would give space to notoriously homophobic right-wing activist Matt Walsh — whose stunt of pretending to move to Virginia so he could spew his…
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC Can’t Stop Failing In Its War Against Facebook
The Media Research Center discredited its own narrative that Facebook is “censoring” conservatives by bragging about how well its conservative content does there. It also whined about Facebook having a protected VIP…
MRC Tried To Give Republicans A Pass For Being Putin-Curious
The Media Research Center may be gung-ho against Vladimir Putin and Russia now that it has invaded Ukraine, but it has been Putin-friendly in the past. As we’ve documented, Putin was one…
WND Misrepresents Letter To Editor As Research In ‘Prestigious’ Journal
WorldNetDaily’s parade of COVID misinformation continued in a feb. 2 article by Art Moore: The prestigious British medical journal The Lancet has published an article by a University of Colorado infectious disease…
CNS Tried To Clean Up After RNC’s Resolution Attacking Cheney, Kinzinger
CNSNews.com knew the Republican National Committee had a debacle on its hands when it passed a resolution censuring Republican Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for taking part in the House’s committee…
MRC Continued To Defend Joe Rogan’s Right To Misinform People
The Media Research Center is so dedicated to defending COVID misinformation that when podcaster Joe Rogan was busted for letting anti-vaxxers like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, it rushed to shoehorn Rogan…
CNS Managing Editor Wanted U.S. To Capitulate to Putin
CNSNews.com has a bad habit of being a supporter of Russia’s Vladimir Putin — especially when he trashes its designated enemies: President Biden, “big tech” and “woke” culture. So it’s not a…