Last fall, the Media Research Center promoted a washed-up musician who performs under the name Five for Fighting — who hasn’t had a major hit in a good 15 years — and…
CNS’ Jan. 6 Distraction: FBI Agents Soliciting Sex wasn’t terribly happy about having to report on the anniversary of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, so about midway through the day, it apparently decided it was mostly bored with…
MRC Hated Biden’s Jan. 6 Speech, Attacked Anyone Who Didn’t
The Media Research Center’s coverage of the Capitol riot anniversary started with preemptively whining about everyone else’s coverage before it even aired. The coverage continued by lashing out at President Biden’s speech on the…
WND Misleads On COVID Death Info
Art Moore wrote in a Jan. 3 WorldNetDaily article: The head of a $100 billion insurance company says all-cause deaths have spiked an astonishing 40% among people ages 18-64 compared to pre-pandemic…
NEW ARTICLE: An MRC Microaggression Goes Macro
The Media Research Center clings to the false narrative that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are somehow “anti-vaxxers” because they pointed out that an extremely untrustworthy Donald Trump was promising a COVID…
CNS’ Jeffrey Regularly Bashes Wealthy D.C. Suburbs (Where He Lives And Works)
In what has basically become close to a yearly ritual, editor Terry Jeffrey cites census data to attack the Washington, D.C., suburbs as 1) having too many wealthy people who 2)…
MRC Won’t Stop Helping Crowder Play The Victim
Steven Crowder is little more than a professional victim at this point — and the Media Research Center is a willing accomplice in helping him play that role. Every time Crowder gets…
CNS Takes Shots At Efforts To Fight Islamphobia
Patrick Goodenough wrote in an Oct. 22 article: Three months Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a letter to create the post of special envoy to monitor and combat “Islamophobia,” Reps. Ilhan…
Dick Morris Pushing Evidence-Free Claim That Hillary Is Running In 2024
Before the 2020 presidential election, Dick Morris declared at Newsmax there was a “good shot” that Hillary Clinton would join the campaign. That didn’t work out, as so many Dick Morris predictions…
WND’s Root Denies Being A ‘Moron’ As He Peddles More COVID Misinfo
Prolific COVID misinformer Wayne Allyn Root took exception to being called a “moron” for spreading said misinformation, and he devoted his Jan. 10 WorldNetDaily column to rebutting the claim … with more…