James Bovard used a Nov. 29 CNSNews.com column to complain that Biden administration efforts to neutralize political extremism and conspiracy theories are too harsh, insisting that said extremists are”guilty of nothing more…
MRC Leans Into Conspiracy Theory Over Ted Cruz, Apple
The Media Research Center has been dipping its toe into the conspiracy theory pool lately. Autumn Johnson suggested another one is a Dec. 21 post: While being interviewed by Fox News Digital…
NEW ARTICLE: WND Brings Back A Dishonest Reporter
WorldNetDaily is republishing freelance work from former reporter Leo Hohmann — which is just as terrible as the work he did when he was on WND’s payroll. Read more >>
MRC Makes An Anti-Biden, Pro-Oil Propaganda Film
At the end of last year, the Media Research Center released a short propaganda film with the unsubtle title “Killing Keystone XL: How Biden Destroyed American Energy Independence.” The MRC describes it thusly: On his…
CNS Continues Pushing Biden-Is-Senile Narrative
CNSNews.com is very much into advancing the right-wing narrative that President Biden is, or is going, senile. It has continued to do that over the past few months. One way it does…
MRC Continues To Love J.K. Rowling’s Transphobia
The Media Research Center used to hate “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling for things like admitting that Dumbledore is gay, but has since bonded with her over their shared hatred for transgender…
WND’s Massie Keeps Up The COVID Misinformation
We’ve caught WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie spreading COVID misinformation before, and he did it again in his Dec. 27 column: It’s a universal truth that you can always count on evil people…
MRC Manufactures Conspiracy Theory Over Gallup’s Lack Of Most-Admired Poll
Last year, the Media Research Center’s Brad Wilmouth threw a temper tantrum over the media not sufficiently covering Donald Trump being named most admired man in its annual poll — which didn’t…
Fake News: WND Falsely Portrays COVID Vaccine Study
Art Moore wrote in a Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily article: A study by Danish researchers finds that after 90 days, the COVID-19 vaccines will make you more likely to get infected from omicron, not…
MRC Melts Down Over A Newspaper Canceling A Columnist
Dan Gainor is a Media Research Center employee, but he’s rarely allowed to write for the MRC — most of his work gets published at Fox News. So it’s usually a bit…