Last year, the Media Research Center’s Brad Wilmouth threw a temper tantrum over the media not sufficiently covering Donald Trump being named most admired man in its annual poll — which didn’t…
Fake News: WND Falsely Portrays COVID Vaccine Study
Art Moore wrote in a Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily article: A study by Danish researchers finds that after 90 days, the COVID-19 vaccines will make you more likely to get infected from omicron, not…
MRC Melts Down Over A Newspaper Canceling A Columnist
Dan Gainor is a Media Research Center employee, but he’s rarely allowed to write for the MRC — most of his work gets published at Fox News. So it’s usually a bit…
CNS Presents Century-Old Story As ‘News’ editor Terry Jeffrey is a big football fan — so much so that he earned a Slantie Award for whining that Joe Biden’s victory speech interrupted his football game. His Dec….
MRC Fawns Over Softball Interview With Fox News Host
The Media Research Center’s Nicholas Fondacaro — like the Fox News stan he is — used a Dec. 20 post to frame a very friendly, softball interview Fox News anchor did with…
WND’s Root Spreads More Vaccine Misinfo, Because That’s What He Does
In addition to spreading actual COVID, Wayne Allyn Root spreads COVID misinformation. Like this Dec. 13 WorldNetDaily column: The COVID-19 vaccines appear to be causing a global health disaster. There are so…
CNS Spent 2021 Obsessing A Little Less Over Bette Midler
We’ve noted how bizarrely cares so much about what Bette Midler tweets that devotes numerous articles to them. Surprisingly, CNS has restrained that obsession; after devoting 40 articles in 2020 to…
MRC Defends Fox News Against Chris Wallace’s Departure
The Media Research Center loved to attack Chris Wallace for not being enough of a right-wing shill like the rest of his Fox News co-workers, so it wasn’t exactly broken-hearted when Wallace…
Newsmax Film On Capitol Riot Pushes Right-Wing Narratives, Conspiracy Theories
WorldNetDaily wasn’t the only ConWeb outlet pushing a dubious “documentary” on the Jan. 6 riot. Newsmax made its own — and it appears to be just as biased. A Jan. 7 article promoting it starts…
CNS Gushed Over Trump’s Christmas Message — But Was Slow To Report Biden’s
In an echo of its earlier disparate treatment of Veterans Day messages from the current and former president, served up a minor version of that for Christmas. Managing editor Michael W….