Like its “news” division, the Media Research Center has been a cheerleader for ex-football player, Trump buddy and now carpetbagging Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker. Unlike CNS, though, mysterious MRC sports blogger Jay…
Is WND ‘News’ Article An Ad In Disguise? Sure Looks That Way!
An anonymously written Nov. 24 WorldNetDaily “news” article claimed: You’ve seen the legacy media and network reporting on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol: those hordes of sword-waving, window-smashing (likely drooling) President Trump supporters…
NEW ARTICLE: Loving The Fringe To Own The Libs, Part 2
The Media Research Center finds even more right-wing extremists to try and mainstream into conservative “victims” of “censorship” by “big tech” — all while hiding their extremism. Read more >>
CNS Deflects From Boebert’s Latest Insult By Playing Whataboutism
We noted how continued to protect extremist Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s latest outrageous act — depicting Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar as a suicide bomber — by playing whataboutism and making it…
MRC Attacks Coverage Of Waukesha Incident, Proves The Converse Is True
The Media Research Center’s Bill D’Agostino made an interesting declaration in a Nov. 30 post: “If Darrell Brooks were a white man who drove a car into a crowd of black people, the…
Newsmax Pretends Doug Wead Was A Real ‘Presidential Historian,’ Not A Right-Wing Hagiographer
A Dec. 13 Newsmax article by Charlie McCarthy reported: Conservative historian and political commentator Doug Wead died Friday after suffering a massive stroke a week earlier. He was 75. Doug, a New…
CNS Again Embraces Gabbard As A Not-Very-Democratic Democrat
In the 2020 presidential election cycle, embraced (along with its Media Research Center parent) Tulsi Gabbard as a Democratic presidential candidate because wasn’t a real democrat — she loved Donald Trump and hated Hilary…
WND Mag Pushes Big Lie Again To Embrace ‘Election Integrity’
The theme of November’s issue of WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine was “AMERICA’S FATEFUL CHOICE: RESTORE ELECTIONS OR KILL THE REPUBLIC” — which is yet another retelling of Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the election was…
MRC Double Standard On Traumatic Testimony
The Media Research Center got mad that Kyle Rittenhouse’s crying at his trial for killing two people was mocked: Similiarly, in a Dec. 20 post, Mark Finkelstein complained that MSNBC commentator Elie…
Chuck Norris Shamelessly Promotes His Own Charity In WND Column
Chuck Norris is pretty shameless about abusing his WorldNetDaily column for self-promotion; we’ve caught him three times turning his column into an ad for the gold-selling company he’s a spokesman for. Norris did something similar in his…