It’s a sad sign of the right-wing media bubble the Media Research Center lives in that it considers every Fox News anchor (who isn’t named Shepard Smith, that is) to be an…
WND’s Kavanaugh Accuser Derangement Syndrome, Part 3
Republicans bowed to pressure and postponed Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote while the FBI conducts allegations against him by Christine Blasey Ford. In their quest for power, Democrats will destroy anyone who stands…
CNS’ Chapman Defends Kavanaugh’s Drunken Past: Obama Did It Too! managing editor Michael W. Chapman doesn’t even bother to put up a facade of fairness and balance. He has been especially biased in his”news” operation’s coverage of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination,…
WND’s Conspiracy Theory: Ford Hypotized Herself!
Leave it to conspiracy-obsessed WorldNetDaily to latch onto the loopiest conspiracy theory regarding Christine Blasey Ford’s claim of a prep-school assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. And leave it WND to…
Conspiracy Theory: Newsmax’s Hirsen Thinks Ford Is Trying To Profit From Kavanaugh Accusations
Among the conspiracy theories peddled by the right against Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her during their prep-school years we can now add Newsmax…
MRC Normalizes Teen Drinking to Defend Kavanaugh
One of the ways the Media Research Center has defended Brett Kavanaugh through the Supreme Court nomination process is to insist that teenage drinking, even to the level allegedly consumed by Kavanaugh…
CNS Flakes Out Over Sen. Flake’s Push For FBI Kavanaugh Probe
When Republican Sen. Jeff Flake successfully stalled the nomination process of Brett Kavanaugh by forcing a weeklong FBI investigation into him, the pro-Kavanaugh forces at knew what they had to do:…
Linda Harvey LGBT Derangement Watch
The priest or evangelical minister who claims an “LGBTQ” identity but pledges to remain celibate cannot be trusted to do so. Can I repeat that? We cannot trust them. Such foolish tolerance…
MRC Attacks Journalist For Writing About Kavanaugh — But Loved Her A Few Months Ago When She Targeted A Democrat
The Media Research Center was in the kill-the-messenger phase of the Brett Kavanaugh story when Geoffrey Dickens wrote a Sept. 26 post complaining about the “hit piece” co-written by the New Yorker’s…
WND’s Kavanaugh Accuser Derangement Syndrome, Part 2
Where were you when you were 17? What were you doing, among your friends, and alone? Did you ever do anything – anything – you’re embarrassed about, sorry for, anything you would…