In a June 7 MRC NewsBusters post, P.J. Gladnick bashed CNN’s Jim Acosta as “a pedant on steroids” for pointing out that President Trump didn’t get his facts quite correct when he…
CNS Dismisses Legal Argument That Contradicts Its Pro-Trump, Pro-Levin Agenda
We’ve detailed how ran with right-wing radio host Mark Levin’s declaration that the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate President Trump is unconstitutional, as if the CNS and…
NEW ARTICLE: The Great Black Kool-Aid Drinker
WorldNetDaily columnist Jesse Lee Peterson is so ridiculously pro-Trump that he calls the president “the Great White Hope” — apparently oblivious to its original as an racist, anti-black insult. He also bought…
MRC’s Graham Seems OK With Jon Stewart Calling Out The MRC’s M.O.
Jon Stewart called out the right-wing outrage machine as best personified by the Media Research Center, and the MRC’s Tim Graham is, surprisingly, only mildly annoyed at the exposure. In a June…
WND Declines Chance To Correct The Record On Lie It Spread About Soros
The idea that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator or sympathizer is a lie that WorldNetDaily has regularly forwarded over the years. WND had a chance to correct the record — but…
CNS Pushes Trump White House Spin on Disinvited Eagles treated the controversy over the Super Bowl winner Philadelphia Eagles not visiting the White House the way it treats everything regarding President Trump: with a heavy pro-Trump spin that fudges or…
Obama (And Gay, And Netflix) Derangement Syndrome
About a week or so ago, I received an irate email from one of my readers stating that they were going to cancel their subscription to the streaming TV service Netflix due…
MRC Goes All Out To Game The Vote For Mark Levin
The love affair between Mark Levin and the Media Research Center is starting to get downright embarrassing, as the MRC is devoting its nonprofit resources to getting Levin nominated to doing a…
WND Embraces Conspiracy Theory Over Justin Trudeau’s Eyebrows
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s eyebrows are weird, and WorldNetDaily wasted no time in embracing a conspiracy theory about them. An anonymous WND writer states in a June 10 article: Social media…
Your Monthly CNS Stenography Tally
Another month, another tally of the stenography work did for its favorite sources. Here’s the tally for May. Judicial Watch: 5 Mark Levin: 10 There was also an article touting how…