An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer tries to make things as scary as he or she can in an April 1 article: “I am completely dismayed that 4-H would bow to a politically correct…
Tom Blumer Hasn’t Corrected His NewsBusters Post Yet
Tom Blumer harrumphed in a March 11 NewsBusters post: Leftists finally think (erroneously) they have a game-changing incident involving a Border Patrol apprehension of an illegal immigrant. A week ago, Perla Morales-Luna was arrested…
WND Forgets It Used To Promote Paul Ryan’s GOP Opponent
WorldNetDaily really wants to get rid of Paul Ryan. A March 26 WND article touted a “hot rumor” — unsubstantiated, of course — that Ryan “could resign his position as speaker of…
CNS Unemployment Coverage Distortion Watch
March’s job news wasn’t all that positive — only 103,000 jobs created — so went into cherry-picking mode to push numbers that reflect better on President Trump. Susan Jones’ main story…
Logrolling In Our Time: Chuck Norris and Joseph Farah
Chuck Norris devoted his March 25 WorldNetDaily column to “a review of an excellent, inspiring and insightful book by Joseph Farah, CEO and editor-in-chief of WND, titled, ‘The Gospel in Every Book…
MRC Falsely Denies That NRA Exploited Rapper
The Media Research Center’s Brad Wilmouth writes in a March 25 post: On Sunday’s AM Joy, host Joy Reid and her panel were again hating on the NRA, this time smearing the pro-gun…
Likening People to Hitler Suddenly OK Again At WND (When It’s Not Trump, Anyway)
As we’ve documented, WorldNetDaily had no problem with likening people to Hitler — especially President Obama. Then people started likening Donald Trump to Hitler, and WND got offended. But now, people have…
MRC Still Viciously Embraces Needless Hyperbole
A couple months back, we highlighted how ridiculous the Media Research Center’s rhetoric has gone off the deep end with overly enthusiastic violent metaphors. It hasn’t really stopped. A March 13 post…
Newsmax Columnist Misleads on NRA’s Lobbying Efforts
Michael Dorstewitz is eager to defend the National Rifle Association from the March for Our Lives in his March 26 Newsmax column: Although no one can doubt the sincerity of their passion…
What LGBT Stuff Is The MRC Freaking Out About Now?
What LGBT stuff has the Media Research Center been freaking out about lately? Let’s take a look-see! Tim Graham was offended that “leftist drag queen Taylor Mac” was the subject of a…