It’s indisputable that managing editor Michael W. Chapman despises the LGBT community. Judging by the amount of Catholic stuff he posts Chapman is Catholic as well, and it’s tickled to death…
AIM Complains Undisclosed Locations Weren’t Described as ‘Luxury’
An anonymous Accuracy in Media writer complains in a Feb. 2 post: The GOP is holding a retreat at the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia, which was home to a Cold War…
NEW ARTICLE: Another Fox News-Shaped Blind Spot
The Media Research Center continues to avoid scrutinizing — let alone condemning — Fox News personalities accused of sexual harassment, even as it obsesses over non-conservative harassers. Read more >>
WND Columnists Are Still On ‘S***Hole’ Patrol
A few weeks after President Trump made his alleged “shithole countries” remark, WorldNetDaily columnists are still trying to defend it, insisting that Trump’s disparaging remark was accurate. Erik Rush served up his…
WND, CNS Credit God for Super Bowl Win
Donald Trump’s election isn’t the only thing WorldNetDaily is crediting God for. A Feb. 5 WND article expands that to the Philadelphia Eagles’ Super Bowl win: The Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles…
MRC Blogger Gets Vague About Why People Are Calling Tennis Player Alt-Right
The mysterious Jay Maxson tried to work up a little anger in a Jan. 24 MRC NewsBusters post: Maxson, however, is a little on the vague side about exactly what Sandgren tweeted…
ConWebWatch at Salon
Salon’s Matthew Sheffield has written an article on the financial problems facing right-wing websites, with a focus on the current “existential threat” at WorldNetDaily. ConWebWatch’s work is linked to from thte article,…
CNS Finally Decides to Stop Censoring Story of WH Aide’s Spousal Abuse has not generally been interested in reporting on stories that don’t reflect well on President Trump and his administration. For instance, it censored claims that Trump had an affair with porn…
WND Cranks Out Puff Pieces on Devin Nunes (Also, Buy His WND-Published Book!)
WorldNetDaily has done puff pieces on other Trump administration officials, so why not the guy behind the infamous memo about the Trump-Russia investigation? Art Moore does the deed in a Feb. 1…
MRC’s Houck Viciously Maims the Art of Headline-Writing
Curtis Houck is the Media Research Center’s new king of nonsensically hyperbolic headlines. Last September, Houck huffed: “Ben Shapiro Eviscerates Jimmy Kimmel’s Health Care Tirades; ‘Egregious’ to Exploit His Son.” Houck used…