Erik Rush writses in his May 31 WorldNetDaily column: An aspect of the political left’s modus operandi that has been articulated by conservatives for quite some time is that of their inability…
MRC Adds To Its Pile of Bogus Coverage ‘Studies’
Oh, look, it’s another bogus “study” from the Media Research Center! Take it away, Mike Ciandella: Just this year alone, more than 50 people have been killed protesting the heartbreaking malpractice of…
WND Is In The Non-Story Phase of Its Seth Rich Obsession
WorldNetDaily’s cynical, politically motivated exploitation of Seth Rich’s death has now reached the non-story phase, where WND is trying to play up anything — no matter how devoid of news value —…
MRC’s War on Reza Aslan Continues, Now With More Ranting
The Media Research Center is still raging at CNN host Reza Aslan for criticizing Donald Trump, sending out tweets every hour on the hour demanding that CNN fire him. (As we’ve detailed,…
CNS Managing Editor Pushes More Anti-Gay Hate managing editor Michael W. Chapman just loves to write blog posts spewing hatred at gays for, well, existing. Well, he’s at it again. In a May 26 post, Chapman regurgitates right-wing…
WND Columnist Rants Against Early Voting
Brent Smith devotes his May 29 WorldNetDaily column to a tirade against early voting: Still, the early-voting craze did not catch fire until the contentious presidential race of 2000, between George W….
MRC — Which Gave Limbaugh’s Vulgar Slurs A Pass — Attacks Reza Aslan
In 2012, when conservative darling Rush Limbaugh spent three days hurling every denigrating, sleazy insult he could think of at Sandra Fluke for committing the alleged offense of advocating for birth control…
WND’s Lame Attacks on Former CIA Director
WorldNetDaily is still trying to distract from Russia’s meddling in the U.S. presidential election. The latest example is a rather lame attempt to discredit former CIA director John Brennan, whose testimony about…
Shocker: CNS Leads With Bad News About Unemployment Under Trump has finally found some bad economic numbers that it just couldn’t bury. As we’ve documented, CNS’ relentlessly negative tone about jobless numbers under the Obama administration became aggressively positive once President…
WND Columnist Tries to Blame Manchester Bombing on CIA
Is there anything WorldNetDaily won’t trying to build a conspiracy theory around? William Murray — who’s better known for blaming a train crash on homosexuality than for any foreign policy expertise —…