Former President Barack Hussein Obama, a not-too-closet of a Muslim, apparently respects Shariah law more than America’s legal system. Proof positive: For years Freedom Watch and I have been attempting, through court-licensed…
MRC’s Graham Still Afraid To Talk About Why There’s An Ad Boycott Against Hannity
The Media Research Center is continuing its selectively factual attack on insurance company USAA for dropping its ads from Sean Hannity’s Fox News show. First, Tim Graham complained that a USAA ad…
MRC Gets Even More Hypocritical About Anonymous Sources
Remember last week, when the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham and Brent Bozell wrote a column denouncing anonymous sources being used against President Trump despite the MRC’s record of promoting anonymously sourced…
WND Descends Further Into Its Seth Rich Conspiracy Delusions
The facts never mattered to WorldNetDaily. Its increasingly delusional promotion of discredited Seth Rich conspiracy theories is just more proof of that. Let’s look at WND’s latest delusions, shall we? — Jack…
MRC Denounces Hannity Ad Boycott, Won’t Say Why There’s A Boycott
As Fox News’ Sean Hannity has descended into crazy, discredited conspiracy theories about Seth Rich, the Media Research Center has suddenly decided to come to his defense. A May 25 MRC post…
MRC Bigwigs Seem To Endorse GOP Politician’s Assualt on Reporter
The Media Research Center’s Curtis Houck wrote of the incident in which Idaho Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly assaulted Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs: “Importantly, any assault of anyone (reporter or non-reporter)…
How WND Distracts From Trump Scandals: Rehashing Old Attacks on Obama
Like, WorldNetDaily didn’t really want to cover last week’s burgeoning scandal over President Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey. But rather than CNS editor in chief Terry Jeffrey’s dredging up…
What LGBT Stuff Is The MRC Freaking Out About Now? Lesbian Mommy Blogger Edition
The Media Research Center — which regularly freaks out at anything insufficiently heterosexual in the media — has now turned its LGBT freakout attention to a mommy blogger. Sarah Stites begins her…
Twitter Suspends WND Over Seth Rich Tweet; WND Still Won’t Admit Story Is Bogus
WorldNetDaily still doesn’t get it. It continues to peddle discredited Seth Rich conspiracies even after getting busted for doing so. Bob Unruh spends a May 24 article complaining that Twitter suspended WND’s…
MRC’s Bozell & Graham Slut-Shame Monica Lewinsky to Protect Fox News
It used to be that conservatives thought that Monica Lewinsky was the at least somewhat innocent victim of the predatory sexual desires of Bill Clinton in their notorious Oval Office affair. Now…