As we’ve reported previously, Israeli president Moshe Katsav has been accused of numerous offenses, including rape — a scandal WorldNetDaily Jerusalem reporter Aaron Klein has ignored, presumably because Katsav is a member…
Life Imitates ‘The Colbert Report’
Tim Graham concludes his Jan. 12 NewsBusters post complaining that “The Washington Post wanted to send one message loud and clear today: almost nobody supports Bush’s Iraq surge” this way: The Post could…
NewsBusters: Proving Stephen Colbert Right
In a Dec. 13 NewsBusters post, Terry Trippany tells the Associated Press how to write a news story: Don’t include anything that makes the Bush administration sound bad. Trippany decided to deconstruct…
Judge Moore Gets It Wrong
In his December 13 WorldNetDaily column, Judge Roy Moore attacked newly elected congressman Keith Ellison because he “shocked many Americans by declaring that he would take his oath of office by placing…
WND Ignores Israeli President’s Sex Scandal
As we’ve documented, WorldNetDaily Jerusalem reporter Aaron Klein has long been fond of repeating every salacious accusation made against Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert — from accusations of political corruption to claims…
Elder Recycles Dubious Clinton Racism Claims
Larry Elder’s Oct. 5 syndicated column (reprinted at WorldNetDaily) rehashes a pair of questionable racism claims about the Clintons, presenting them as factual and unchallenged. In fact, the accusations — popular among…
Sexpidemic!: The Origin
WorldNetDaily shares with us the apparent explanation of its creepy obsession with (female) teacher-(male) student sex. It comes in the form of a March 22 article by David Kupelian that appeared in the teacher-student sex issue…
More Abramoff Avoidance from WND
WorldNetDaily’s lack of interest in the Jack Abramoff scandal, despite its claim to be a watchdog of government corruption, comes in no small part because the scandal touches some of its favorite…
Lust-Filled Women!
In case you thought we were making up WND’s sex-obsessed promo:
Sex Rampage!
On today’s WorldNetDaily front page, the headline teaser for its Whistleblower magazine edition on teacher-student sex: “Lust-filled women on sex rampage with your kids.” UPDATE: Screen shot is right here.