The Media Research Center’s Alatheia Nielsen ranted in a June 30 NewsBusters post: If you’re taking advantage of the extended Independence Day weekend to embark on a road trip, you’ll be filling…
WND Redefines ‘Birther’ To Bash Hillary
Last time we checked, WorldNetDaily was running as fast from the birther issue as it could to avoid having to avoid having to apply the standards it applied to non-foreign-born Barack Obama…
CNS Columnists Rant About ‘Corrupt’ Supreme Court After Abortion Ruling
Right-wingers had a serious temper tantrum after the Supreme Court ruling on Texas’ attempt to legislate abortion clinics out of existence (also known as the Hellerstedt ruling) failed to go their way,…
MRC Bizarrely Attacks Newspaper Article on Obama Being A Good Dad
The hatred for President Obama at the Media Research Center is so visceral, they simply can’t accept any reporting about him that’s even remotely positive. Even noting something as benign as Obama…
WND’s Chumley Has A Vendetta Against Michelle Fields, For Some Reason
Cheryl Chumley really, really doesn’t like Michelle Fields for some reason. Back in March, we noted how the WorldNetDaily reporter helped Breitbart throw then-employee Fields under the bus after she claimed then-Donald…
CNS Bias: 8 Articles on Clinton Email, Zero on Trump’s Anti-Semitic Tweet claims in its mission statement that it’s “a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin.” That’s a total lie. CNS is…
Newsmax Columnist Pushes False Claims Against Planned Parenthood
Is Newsmax getting back into the crazy-right-wing-commentary business? You may recall Newsmax started toning things down on its website (or, at least, burying the crazy stuff as much as it could) after…
WND Reporter Still Obsessing Over (And Getting Facts Wrong About) Muslims in Idaho
When we last checked in on WorldNetDaily reporter Leo Hohmann, he was pretending that WND had never reported anything false about in incident in which a group of children in Idaho —…
CNS Hides Bias, Incompetence of AIM’s Benghazi Kangaroo Court
Accuracy in Media’s Benghazi kangaroo court — er, the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi — released its final report last week, which unsurprisingly bashed President Obama and Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi attack,…
WND’s Farah Silent About Friend’s Denouncing of Evangelicals Who Support Trump
WorldNetDaily editor is more than happy to tell you that he attended the evangelical summit with Donald Trump a couple weeks back — remember, he’s a bigwig in the secretive right-wing Council…