As part of its conspiracy theory that the “liberal media” (which apparently includes Fox News) is covering Donald Trump excessively because it wants him to be the Republican presidential nominee so he’ll…
WND Wrongly Portrays Court-Martialed Marine As Victim of Anti-Christian Persecution
Greg Corombos writes in an April 27 WorldNetDaily article: Five military judges heard oral arguments Wednesday in the appeal of a U.S. Marine punished through a court-martial for refusing to remove Bible…
Newsmax Maintains Silence on Kessler Being A Former Employee
We’ve noted how Ronald Kessler’s recent appearances on Newsmax TV omit the fact that Kessler was Newsmax’s chief Washington correspondent from 2006 to 2012. That streak is continuing. In an April 15…
Did Sharyl Attkisson Pay WND To Write Fawning Stories About Her New Show?
Since Sharyl Attkinson’s Sinclair-syndicated show “Full Measure” first aired last October, WorldNetDaily has run a series of unbylined “news” articles that are effectively promotions for it. Each article summarizes a segment from…
NewsBusters Blogger Diverts Discussion Of Hastert to Bill Clinton
Leave it to the Media Research Center to steer a conversation about now-admitted child molester Dennis Hastert away from him and to MRC nemesis Bill Clinton. Mark Finkelstein writes in an April…
MRC Whines That Curt Schilling Was Fired, Won’t Show The Post That Got Him Fired
The Media Research Center has done a lot of whining over ESPN’s firing of Curt Schilling: Yet for the centrality of the image in Schilling’s firing, none of these MRC writers reposted…
MRC Attacks How Networks ‘Censor’ Anti-Abortion Hearing, Ignores How Its Own CNS Censored It
In an April 21 NewsBusters post headlined “Networks Censor Congressional ‘Pricing of Fetal Tissue’ Hearing,” Katie Yoder complained: “A congressional probe into whether or not businesses profited from aborted baby body parts…
WND’s Bitter Its Dubious Miriam Carey Crusade Didn’t Win A Pulitzer
Back in January, WorldNetDaily proclaimed that it had submitted its reporting on the death of Miriam Carey, killed by law enforcement agents in 2013 after apparently attempting to crash the White House gates and…
WND’s Anti-Hillary Witch Hunt Continues, Still Isn’t Transparent
True to form — and as we predicted — WorldNetDaily is not telling anyone who’s funding its anti-Hillary witch hunt. But WND editor Joseph Farah has an update on how exactly it’s witch-hunting: Maybe conventional wisdom…
Dear MRC: Hate-Watching TV Shows Does Not Make Good TV Criticism
Dylan Gwinn starts his NewsBusters review of the latest episode of “The Real O’Neals” by declaring: “To say that my hate for ABC’s The Real O’Neals burns with the heat of a thousand suns,…