An April 7 MRC NewsBusters post reads: Good on Bozell for doing that, but he’s sadly late to the party. That Politico story on CNN banning Stone is dated Feb. 23, a…
CNS Gives Right-Wing Architecture Critic A Platform
Did you know there’s a right-wing political movement in architecture? We didn’t either until we came across an April 4 article by Barbara Hollingsworth. The article stars Justin Shubow of something…
WND Treats Disgraced, Philandering Adulterer As A Credible Expert on Islam
You might remember John Guandolo as the former FBI agent who’s better known as a serial philanderer and adulterer who jeopardized a federal investigation by having sex with a witness and trying…
Newsmax Still Doesn’t Want To Admit That Kessler Used To Work There
The last time Ronald Kessler appeared on Newsmax TV, nobody seemed to want to admit that Kessler served as Newsmax’s Washington correspondent for six years. That’s holding up for another recent appearance….
CNS Reporter Is Sad Poor Blacks Will Get To Live In White Suburbs
We’ve noted how the Media Research Center has slowly been turning into WND. Now it’s creeping into WND-esque race-baiting. In a March 25 article, Susan Jones sounds the alarm about a…
MRC’s Tabloid Hypocrisy Continues
Is the Media Research Center still being hypocritical about the credibility of tabloids regarding the sex lives of presidential candidates? You bet it is. The MRC continues to be aghast that the…
What WND Columnist Brent Smith Doesn’t Get About Deportation
When Brent Smith joined WorldNetDaily’s weekly commentary lineup at the start of 2016, it touted how he considers himself “just an average Joe,” adding, “I’m proud of the fact that I’m neither…
MRC Transgender Freakout Watch
The mere idea of transgenders, for some reason, is a berzerk button at the Media Research Center, particularly for MRC official Tim Graham. And Graham does his freakout thing once again in…
MRC Denounces Media Coverage of Cruz ‘Tabloid Smear’ — But Demanded Media Coverage of Tabloid Story on Edwards
In a March 25 NewsBusters item, Media Research Center research director Rich Noyes complained: “Despite the complete lack of any evidence, and only unequivocal denials from women named in the story, a…
WND Strangely Trying to Shield Michele Bachmann From ‘Obama Is The Antichrist’ Claim
WND has renounced birtherism (albeit for politically expedient reasons). What deeply held belief will it renounce next (for politically expedient reasons)? A March 17 WND article by Bob Unruh gives us the…