WND has renounced birtherism (albeit for politically expedient reasons). What deeply held belief will it renounce next (for politically expedient reasons)? A March 17 WND article by Bob Unruh gives us the…
CNS Reporter’s ‘News’ Article Turns Into Anti-Obama Rant
CNSNews.com reporter Susan Jones loves to inject opinion into her “news” articles. This time, her “news” is mostly a right-wing anti-Obama rant. Jones starts off a March 16 CNS article by ostensibly…
MRC Uses Levin For Cover To Criticize Fox News
The business relationship between the Media Research Center and right-wing radio host Mark Levin is apparently so close now that Levin has a hand in the MRC’s editorial agenda. On Feb. 28,…
WND Helps Breitbart Throw Its Reporter Under The Bus
The story of Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, who claims Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski forcefully grabbed her arm and left a bruise, has been very bizarrely covered by her notoriously pro-Trump…
Kessler Comes Back to Newsmax to Fluff Trump
When he worked for Newsmax, Ronald Kessler was a huge Trump-fluffer and feeder of Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions, to the point that he’s possibly the person most responsible for establishing Trump as…
The MRC’s Trump-Media Conspiracy
The Media Research Center has been obsessing over the amount of time network news (but never the cable news channels) devote to covering Donald Trump. The endgame of that obsession is clear:…
WND Columnist Cheers Trump’s Appeal To Whites
Kent Bailey is another WorldNetDaily columnist, like Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, who is in the tank for Donald Trump in a weirdly disturbing way — made even more disturbing by his use of…
MRC Blogger: Chris Rock Brings ‘Racism’ To Oscars
Only at the Media Research Center could Chris Rock’s monologue at the Oscars hitting on how no black actors were nominated for major awards and Hollywood’s genteel racism could be nothing but…
Do Kathleen Willey And WND Endorse Roger Stone’s Sleazy Sexism?
WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi gave Kathleen Willey’s latest rantings an uncritical platform in a Feb. 22 article that touts the unsubtly named “Rape PAC,” which has a goal of attacking Hillary Clinton’s campaign….
CNS Serves Up Ridiculous Anti-Hillary Bias As ‘News’
The mission statement for CNSNews.com states in part that it tries to “cover stories that are subject to the bias of omission and report on other news subject to bias by commission.”…