Eric Scheiner rushed to report the big news in a Feb. 14 article: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is describing current GOP calls to let the next president make a Supreme Court…
WND Blames ‘Obama Economy’ For Capitalism At Work
Bob Unruh declares in a Feb. 10 WorldNetDaily article: The impact of the “Obama economy,” those ups and downs attributed to the tax-and-spend policies implemented by the president’s administration, is moving further…
WND’s Corsi Still Obsessing About Hillary’s Supposed Health Issues
Last time, if you’ll remember, WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi found a couple of doctors — none of whom has ever examined Hillary Clinton and one of whom lost his license to practice medicine…
Kathleen Willey Still Wants You To Buy Her A House
Back in 2013, we documented Kathleen Willey’s attempt — with an assist from WorldNetDaily — to cash in on being a professional victim with Clinton-hating right-wingers by begging for money to pay…
WND Columnist Pens Pro-Trump Fanfiction
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is, as the name suggests, a descendant of Theodore Roosevelt (and is apparently better known as just plain Ted when he’s not plying his lineage) and former self-proclaimed “global…
Cruz Supporters At MRC Give Cruz A Pass On CNN And Ben Carson
It’s no secret that Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell is a supporter of Ted Cruz (and a hater of Donald Trump), and that attitude is bleeding into his organization as the…
FBI Video Shoots Down WND’s Attempt To Build Oregon Shooting Conspiracy Theory
Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall writes that it was smart for the FBI to release video of the arrest of several people involved in the Oregon standoff, which resulted in the death…
Dr. Corsi Is Suddenly Concerned About Hillary’s Drug Use
Now we’re seeing why Jerome Corsi can’t be bothered to exert much energy investigating the issue of Ted Cruz’s eligibility (other than the fact that Cruz is not his political enemy, like…
WND Can’t Stop Fearmongering About Gardasil
WorldNetDaily has been fearmongering about Gardasil and other HPV vaccines for years, uncritically repeating anti-vaxxers’ distorted or outright false claims about it. Even though much of WND has claimed about HPV vaccines…
MRC Denies That Anti Abortion Videos Were Dishonestly Edited, Influenced Planned Parenthood Killings
Melissa Mullins devotes a Jan. 21 MRC NewsBusters post to a screed against Teen Vogue for daring to write about Planned Parenthood’s response to a anti-abortion group’s secretly recorded videos. She bravely…