WorldNetDaily just loves a good conspiracy theory. Look at how fast it jumped on (discredited) claims of a never-arrested third suspect in the San Bernardino shootings — since we originally wrote about…
WND and David Barton Bash The Messenger Who Exposed His Discredited Book
A couple months back, we reported that WorldNetDaily is republishing David Barton’s discredited book “The Jefferson Lies,” pulled from the market in 2012 by mainstream Christian publisher Thomas Nelson after it lost…
CNS Just Can’t Stop Dishonestly Smearing Planned Parenthood Over Federal Funding
One of’s favorite dishonest reporting tactics is to falsely smear Planned Parenthood by reporting the about of federal funding it receives along with the number of abortions it has performed, but…
CNS Censors Obama Statement on Christians In Middle East loves to bash President Obama for purporting not caring enough about the plight of Christians in the Middle East. From body-count refugee totals that overemphasize how few Syrian refugees are Christian…
WND’s Terrible Pollster Serves Up Another Terrible Poll
Bob Unruh breathlessly wrote in a Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily article: Pundits might point to billionaire Donald Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary race as being the result of his generally…
WND’s Ethically Challenged (And Terrible) Pollster Is Back, Under A New Name
A while back, WorldNetDaily was pushing a couple polls it commissioned — one claiming that “a startling two-thirds of likely GOP voters believe the new House speaker should be someone from outside…
WND Publishes Book Denouncing Expertise
Here’s the pitch for a new WorldNetDaily-published book: The modern media is filled with “experts” who don’t seem to know very much about what they are talking about. Now, a self-described “average,…
WND’s Anti-Hillary Witch Hunt Won’t Be Transparent
WorldNetDaily has a longstanding problem with the transparency of its partisan political crusades. We’ve previously pointed out how WND’s anti-Obama birther petitions contained no independent verification mechanism, making it difficult to determine…
CNS Obsesses Over Lack of Christian Syrian Refugees, Buries Its Own Reporting On Why
For weeks, has been obsessed with the idea that Christian refugees from Syria should be brought into the U.S. at a higher rate than — if not exclusive to — Muslim…
WND’s Kinchlow Copies Bogus Anti-Immigration Propaganda Into His Column
Ben Kinchlow’s Dec. 20 WorldNetDaily column is a list of what he presents as the “top 20 facts” abvout the “immigration crisis.” It includes dubious things like “As many as 12,000 gang…