In a July 27 WorldNetDaily article, Leo Hohmann serves as a crisis-management agent for Operation Rescue, touting pushback by Planned Parenthood leader Cecile Richards that the group — which is among the…
CNS Reporter Too Busy Bashing Obama To Notice Her Nonsensical Argument
Susan Jones serves up a particularly clueless bit of reporting in a July 16 article: As the number of heroin and cocaine deaths escalate in this country, President Obama is making…
Charlie Daniels Tells Lies About Margaret Sanger
Charlie Daniels writes in his July 22 column: A small quiz: Who do you think made the following statement about blacks, immigrants and indigents? “Human weeds … spawning class of human…
CNS Censors Fact That Congressman’s Outrage Is Hypocritical
Penny Starr channels a little manufactured outrage in a July 16 article: Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said Wednesday it is a “disgrace” that taxpayer dollars go to support Planned Parenthood, the…
CNS Goes Into Race-Baiting Mode on Obama
The Media Research Center’s creeping WND-ization continues by picking up WorldNetDaily’s obsession with race. In a July 13 CNS article, Susan Jones complained that President Obama used his weekly media address to…
More Bad And Misleading Reporting, Courtesy of CNS
We know is not the place to go for fair and balanced reporting, especially under managing editor Michael W. Chapman. We’ve found even more examples of misleading reporting. It was clear…
CNS Lets A Birther Write A Column
The Media Research Center’s creeping WND-ism continues in an eminently logical direction: is giving space to a birther. A June 11 CNS column features Herbert W. Titus and his law partner,…
CNS Managing Editor Lazily Recycles His Anti-Transgender Hate
When we read managing editor Michael Chapman’s June 2 article rehashing a right-wing psychiatrist’s claim that “transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment,” we thought it looked a little familiar. Turns out…
Did WND’s Farah Really March With Martin Luther King?
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah had another one of his thin-skinned reactions to criticism last week, devoting his May 27 column to misinterpreting Republican activist Bruce Bennett’s contention that readers of right-wing “news”…
MRC Falsely Suggests Sex Ed Is Airing On PBS Kids
The headline on the Media Research Center front page screams “Taxpayer-Funded PBS Pushes Teaching Sex-Ed to 4-Year-Olds,” accompanied by an image of the logo for the PBS Kids channel. It’s a lie….